Moving Forward Task Force Update

Dear Beloved Community,

We’re moving deeper into fall as each October day passes.  Leaves blanket the ground, pumpkins are multiplying around us, the light arrives later and leaves earlier. When the pandemic first hit us and locked us down, I found so much comfort in my daily walks by noticing how spring was slowly turning the world green again.  New leaves were sprouting, birds were building nests, and the days were getting longer.

Now, it is dawning on me how many long hours of darkness stand before us, before spring comes again, as it will.    And we must--now even more than ever as we all get dulled with COVID fatigue—maintain and build on our connections with each other.  Our ties to each other will see us through this.

In August your Board appointed the Moving Forward Task Force (MFTF) to advise the Board on best practices and timing for moving toward reopening.  Task Force members are Reverend Jessica Star Rockers, Parish Nurse Jennifer Ingalls, KUUF Administrator Tanesha Smith, Building and Grounds Chair Ed Woods, Finance Committee Chair Susan Welsh, Worship Committee Chair Beth Wilson, and Lisa Johnson, Board Co-President.   The day we all meet together in person is still long in the future, but our community is not sitting still and waiting.  The Task Force meets monthly, Jennifer updates us on the latest health information in Kitsap County and greater Washington, and we share information on steps being taken to get us ready for that future re-opening.  Here are some notes:

·       The COVID outbreak at Harrison/St. Michael’s Hospital is largely under control, but case numbers across the county and the country are still increasing.  Mason County had a disturbing outbreak at a care center, affecting nearly half of its residents.

  • The CDC once again acknowledges that coronavirus is transmitted through aerosolized droplets.  Keep wearing those masks!

  • Fall flu season is upon us.  Please protect yourself and others by getting your flu shot.

  • Ed Woods and Paul Wilson have solicited bids for improving the ventilation and air filtration system in the Sanctuary, and will be looking into the same for the Admin building.. 

  • The Worship Committee has added a Wednesday Vespers service so people can gather together midweek for reflection and spiritual growth. Reverend Jessica, Bonner Sams, and Nancy Sleight are putting these services together.

  • The Settled Ministry Task Force is continuing to move forward, and will present its report to the Board in November.  The Board will then determine if and when to call a vote.  Our Bylaws require that we have at least 50% of our members participate in that vote, and the vote receives 90% approval. This is a high bar, and we will NEED you to be part of the vote.

  • The Worship Committee and the Fun and Frolic Committee are working on developing plans for our celebrating the upcoming holidays together, remotely.  They welcome your ideas!

Many faith communities are struggling during this hard time.  Our Fellowship is strong, with vibrant services, neighborhood groups reaching out to each other, expanded pastoral care, and still growing membership.  We are strong because we have dedicated staff and strong, shared ministry.  On a personal note, I do not know how I would get through the isolation of this time without KUUF.  It gives me purpose and hope.  May it do the same for all of you, and may all of you be part of the warm embrace our faith community extends. 

We are all on this journey together.

In faith, hope, and love,

Lisa Johnson

Board Co-President

Agenda KUUF Board Meeting

6:30pm via Zoom
1.     Chalice lighting and check-in
2.    Board Covenant
3.    Minister’s Report
4.    Treasurer’s Report

Old Business
5.     Update on cleaning:  Tanesha
6.    Parking lot cameras:  Would they be worth the expense?   Terry
     a.    Costs
     b.    Ease of operation, value of information
     c.    Discussion
7.    Board Weigh-in on removing closets in Sanctuary: 
     a.     Pros and Cons
     b.    Discussion
8.    Streaming equipment update

New Business
9.     Overnight parking at the Fellowship:  Do we need a policy, and if so, can we be both firm and kind?  Discussion
10.     Staying connected:  How are we doing?  
11.    Good of the Order and Thankyou cards

Agenda KUUF Board Meeting

  1. Check in and Chalice lighting

  2. Approve July minutes

  3. Treasurer’s report 


  1. Election of officers

  2. Cleaning of fellowship buildings;  Deep cleaning, timing, estimate, scope of                        the project—is child care area included? Resume weekly cleaning. Tanesha, update. 


      5.    Minister’s report       

  1. COSM survey

  2. Board retreat

  3. Growth feasibility task force, are we considering going ahead with removal of closets in sanctuary?   Ed Looby, update.

  4. Update on improving technology for worship, and equipment needed.

  5. New expenses for upgrade on security—install cameras

  6. Another look at the budget.   Do we have a Plan B ?  What are priorities if our financial situation changes.  Where do the 2 above new expenses fit? (Worship technology and security cameras)



Moving Forward in the time of COVID-19

Back in March, when KUUF’s Board made the decision to postpone our annual Congregational Meeting, we were hopeful that by summer’s end we would have most of this behind us, and we could be meeting together in person once again. How naive we were then! Now, as the months of isolation stretch on, we face difficult questions. When will it be safe to begin opening up, and how will we do that in a way that is responsible for our congregation and staff?

Last month the Board convened the Moving Forward Task Force to study these questions and advise the Board. Task Force members are Reverend Jessica Star Rockers, our Parish Nurse Jennifer Ingalls, Ed Woods, Beth Wilson, Susan Welsh, and myself, Lisa Johnson. We are studying local, state, and CDC health data and recommendations from a wide variety of sources on steps to take to be as safe as possible. Below is some of what we know:

  • The health and well-being of our community and staff is our number one priority.

  • Our neighborhood groups, online worship services, Chalice Circles, Children’s RE, committee meetings continue to do the work that connects us, that we value and love.

  • The Unitarian Universalist Association has recommended that we remain closed, with virtual services only, until at least May of 2021.

  • Our buildings remain closed, with staff working from home. Tanesha Smith, our administrator, comes in 2-3 times per week, but is not on a regular schedule.  If you need to contact her, please do so at        

  • Certain staff will occasionally enter the buildings, but will sign in and out, wear masks, and observe cleaning protocol.

  • We have posted signage on our buildings regarding safety procedures, our Sunday services, and how to contact KUUF personnel. 

We have been so fortunate at KUUF to be able, though the excellent work of our  Reverend Jessica, our Worship team, and our music staff of Brian Kenny, Mike Menefee and Alena Menefee Hemingway, to continue to nurture our Beloved Community. May we all maintain our patience and hope, knowing that we will be together again, and that we are stronger because of our holding each other in our hearts.  

The Moving Forward Task Force will continue to update you as events unfold.    

In faith,

Lisa Johnson

Summary of 07/30/2020 Board Meeting

Summary of 07/30/2020 Board Meeting

Chalice lighting and check-in

Reading of Board Covenant

Installation of new Board members: The Board welcomed Ed Looby and Ellie Klauminzer as new board members. The Board also thanked Jackie Westwood, who was present at the meeting, for her service to KUUF.

Meeting dates and time: Future board meetings will be set for the 4th Thursday of every month, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm.

Board Liaison Positions: Liaison positions vacated by Jackie Westwood and Eric Harrold were filled in by new or existing Board members.

Approves Mark Sugimoto to continue as Treasurer, Selene Patterson as Secretary.

Treasurer’s report: Pledges and offerings are at or slightly above targets for the year. Committee expenses are down. Easter Seals budget reflects the expenses from the work currently being doe=ne (replacement of roof.) Update:

Actual amount from Endowment Earnings for AV Raise the Paddle $2075.00 Social Justice Committee: $1200.00 Remainder from Endowment Earnings: $9818.55 Total for system: $13093.55

Approve of stock: Where should it go? We are grateful for this generous gift. The Boeing stock will be liquidated, with the proceeds entering the General Fund.

Yardwork for Easter Seals: update. Easter Seals will bear the additional cost of $50.00 per month.

Vote to continue administrative support for KSSN $1200/yr.: The Board approved continuing administrative support Kitsap Safe Schools Network. Previously, $1200 of income for this came from KSSN; this vote mean that KUUF will absorb that cost. Many thanks to Tanesha Smith for agreeing to do this.

Private use of Memorial Garden by non-member for small wedding in August: At this time, the Board does not believe it to be safe or prudent to open the Fellowship for any events.

Protocol for dealing with emergency calls. The Executive Board, together with Ed Woods and Paul Wilson, met with Kitsap Fire and Safety, our security company, to review our present system. KFS checked out our systems in the Sanctuary, Administration building, and Easter Seals, and recommended replacement of a few parts. We are waiting for a proposal to enhance our system with cameras place in both parking lots. The video from these cameras would be available to Board and staff to review, should alarms go off. The Sanctuary sensors were tuned very high, which has resulted in false alarms. We also need to update our posted contacts for calling in the case of accidental triggering of the alarm.

Plans for developing a Ways and Means Committee update on auction: Terry reported that our Auction is on! The auction committee met with a representative from the Olympia UU Fellowship, who shared ideas from their very successful auction this year.

Possible Raise the Paddle recipients: Board was asked to begin thinking of appropriate recipients.

The suggestion was made to ask the Fun and Frolic Committee to evolve into the Fun and Fundraising Committee, tasked with coming up with creative ways of producing income. (Calendar, cookbook…) Lisa will speak with Ginny Sugimoto, Fun and Frolic’s chair.

Thank you notes and Good of the Order

The meeting concluded at 8:26 pm.

Next Board meeting: August 28, 2020.

Settled Minister Task Force Update

Last week each KUUF member was sent a link to a Survey Monkey questionnaire we hope you all have had a chance to answer.  The poll was to find out your preferred method of communicating with the Settled Minister Task Force about your views regarding KUUF’s readiness to call Rev. Jessica Star Rockers to be our Settled Minister.  

The members of the Settled Minister Task Force know that not everyone is comfortable with all possible forms of communication during this pandemic.  So, we need to know what works best for each member.  

Here is the link to the Survey Monkey questionnaire:

The deadline for responding to the questionnaire is Sunday, August 2nd at 10:00 p.m.

As there are only four questions to answer, completing the Survey Monkey questionnaire can be done rather quickly.  Please don’t overlook this opportunity to let us know how best to connect with you about this very important topic.  We need to hear every voice!  

If you have questions about this process, please contact the Chair of the Settled Minister Task Force, Beth Wilson by emailing or calling  (253) 857-5234 or the KUUF Board Co-Chairs, Lisa Johnson ( and Terry Mallory (

With Love,

The KUUF Settle Minister Task Force, 

Genevieve Emmett, Mack Johnson, Edward Laws, Dean McColl, and Beth Wilson

Agenda KUUF Board Meeting

Draft 07/30/2020 Board Meeting


1.     Chalice lighting and check-in

2.    Installation of new Board members

3.    Board Liaison Positions

4.    Approve Mark as Treasurer, Selene as Secretary

5.    Treasurer’s report

6.    Update:  Actual amount from Endowment Earnings for AV

a.    Raise the Paddle                                                     $2075.00

b.    Social Justice Committee:                                     $1200.00

c.     Remainder from Endowment Earnings:           $9818.55

d.    Total for system:                                                    $13093.55    

7.    Approve gift of stock

8.    Yardwork for Easter Seals:  update

9.    Vote to continue administrative support for SSN

10.Protocol for dealing with emergency calls. 

11. Plans for developing a Ways and Means Committee

Settled Minister Task Force

KUUF’s Board of Trustees has decided that it is time to consider if our Fellowship is ready to call our Minister, Rev. Jessica Star Rockers, to be our Settled Minister.  Currently, Rev. Jessica is our Contract Minister through a contract between her and the Board of Trustees.  A “Settled Minister” is a minister who is “called” by the entire Congregation to be our Minister.  That relationship is not governed by a contract and does not need to be renegotiated annually or biannually as our current contract does.  It continues until the congregation or the minister determines that a change in that relationship needs to occur.  To use a simple metaphor, having a “contract” Minister is kind of like being engaged.  Calling a Minister is like getting married!   

The Board has established the Settled Minister Task Force to conduct a process of discernment to determine if the congregation is ready to make that decision.  Members of the Task Force are Genevieve Emmett, Mack Johnson, Edward Lawes, Dean McColl, and Beth Wilson.  

The first task of the Task Force is to identify how KUUF members and friends prefer to be engaged and communicated with regarding their views on calling our Minister.  To find out, we will be sending out a Survey Monkey questionnaire asking for your response about your preferred method of communication.  Based on your responses, we’ll create a communications plan that allows for everyone to participate by answering four important questions.  The Survey Monkey will come to your email inbox the week after our Congregational Meeting on July 19th.  Please be sure to complete the survey by our deadline of August 2nd.  For those of you who do not have or read email, paper copies of that questionnaire will be sent to you by mail.  

If you have questions about this process, please communicate with the Chair of the Settled Minister Task Force, Beth Wilson by emailing her at or calling her at (253) 857-5234 or by contacting the Board Co-Chairs, Lisa Johnson , and Terry Mallory

KUUF Conversations with the Board

via Zoom 7:00-8:00 pm

Present: Lisa Johnson, Terry Mallory, Jack Peterson, Karen Leader Scott, Selene Patterson, Mark Sugimoto, Jackie Westwood, Ginny Sugimoto, Peter Kreidler, Jim Strunk, Susan Welsh, Ellen Newberg, Ed Woods, Nancy Sleight, Jerry Butler, Ellie Klauminzer, Paul Wilson, Beth Wilson.

Karen: What is the amount that the congregation will vote upon to take from Endowment funds to pay for the AV equipment? $13,093.55

Selene: Are there any changes to the agenda previously distributed? Yes, and it will be sent out again.

Ginny: She is concerned that there may be many questions from the congregation during the meeting about the budget. Paul: Shall we send an email to the congregation asking those who still have questions to submit them prior to the meeting? Terry: the hope in scheduling the three conversations with the Board meetings was to cut lengthy discussion at the meeting.

Ginny: Where is money for Rev. Jessica’s full-time salary coming from? The Board voted to take whatever extra was needed from savings left from the prior year, and the ministerial search funds. Nancy: We were over budget prior to the pandemic, so the extra $25,000 from PPP certainly helps. Lisa: There are concerns that next year might be difficult. But the Board is hopeful that the congregation numbers will grow with Rev. Jessica as a full-time minister.

Ellen: Do we have the June numbers for pledges? Mark: Yes, and we are still ahead for the year. Susan: Will be looking at the numbers more closely prior to the meeting. We are ahead of budget on donations for the congregation, which is separate from the donations to the charitable giving recipients

Ginny: Will we be having a virtual auction? Ellen: yes. She has spoken to the coordinator of Olympia UU congregation’s online auction, which netted $35,000 (twice the number of members as KUUF). The auction committee will hold a meeting with them next Tuesday. Many things can be auctioned creatively for social distancing. Susan: Finance Committee is recommending establishment of a Ways and Means Committee which will work on developing other fundraising sources, so they are looking for volunteers.

Ed: he continues to get calls from our security service about the building alarm going off. Do we send the police each time? How do we respond to this? The shed is connected to the Sanctuary alarm system so we don’t know if it is the shed or the Sanctuary being broken into. Paul: Have a meeting with the security company to see options and set up protocol for answering alarms.

Lisa: It would be helpful if you pre-register for Sunday’s annual congregational meeting by emailing Tanesha.

Submitted by, Selene Patterson Ex-Officio Secretary

KUUF Conversation with the Board

7:00 pm via Zoom

Present:  Terry Mallory, Lisa Johnson, Ellie Klauminzer, Jackie Westwood, Ed Woods, Nancy Sleight, Mark Sugimoto, Susan Welsh, Paul and Beth Wilson, Susan Welsh, Ed Looby, Ellen Newberg, Jim Strunk, Selene Patterson.

Terry:  Regarding the vote for using Endowment Funds to repay savings for the AV equipment: We had planned to use Endowment Funds for this which requires congregational approval, but we had to pay for it when it was installed.  The Annual Meeting packet contains an itemized description of the expenses of $13,093.55.  This amount includes equipment purchased needed for online services, including a soundboard and microphones.  If approved, savings will be repaid this amount from Endowment earnings.

Nancy:  was not in favor of installing the monitors in the Sanctuary.  She doesn’t like the feeling of them.    Beth agrees with Nancy and doesn’t want to use them during the service.   Ellie:  PUUF used them in the church they were renting which had the advantage of being able to eliminate weekly orders of service and share videos as part of the service.  She felt it did not detract at all and worked well.   Beth:  HCC is supposed to take us through the options so we can have discernment around using them in the services.  Speakers wouldn’t necessarily get the choice of whether to use them or not.  Susan:  feels it is important to use it first before we make a decision on whether or not we want to use it, so we know what the experience is like.  Jackie agrees.  The vote now is just about how we are paying for it because the congregation has already voted on the purchase.  Ed Woods:  could people go to Sanctuary and watch the service there on Sundays?  Lisa: only know of two people who are not able to, and possibly in Phase 3.  The Board so far is not opening the building for any purposes.

Beth:  spent a lot of time today working on Zoom webinar so the services will be smoother when Worship Committee is running them without Rev. Jessica.

Susan:  Arlis Stewart reported that Kitsap Safe Schools will not be able to pay the $1,200 administrative fee that goes towards banking and accounting services.  That will need to be changed in the budget and voted upon.   They are not one of the charitable giving recipients that the congregation selected to be voted upon.  Should we consider asking people to re-vote?  Can we take up a special collection for them during the year?  Mark:  doesn’t think it will affect the services we provide.  Also, the budget does not list interest for our savings, of about $2-3,000 per year, and that could be included to cover the KSS  amount.  Terry:  we should consider doing the banking and accounting without payment.  Susan:  agrees we could support them without charging.  Ellen:  we could hold a special fundraiser or time to request donations.

Ellen:  Auction is budgeted for $14,000 in revenue.  The Committee is considering options on how to raise this amount.  Rev. McKinley said they had an online auction that brought in $35,000 (with at least double the membership).  Their catalog is similar to ours, including delivered meals, and Ellen will be talking with their auction coordinator.   Ed Looby has experience with online auction planning with Lions Club; they will hold an online auction over a two week period where bidding happens.  A professional auction website is setting it up and Ed will get that information to Ellen.  We might consider holding several smaller auctions.   Cedars UU has a physical item auction and activities auction they are doing online.

Positions:   Dianne Stephens is to be voted upon to replace Jerry Butler on the Nominating Committee.  Lisa Johnson, Ed Looby, and Ellie Klauminzer are running for the 3 open Board positions.  There was a discussion on whether to take the votes individually or as a slate with a decision being made by the Board.

Ellie:  are we in touch with everyone?  Do we need to send postcards?  Rev. Jessica has been keeping track of people in CCs and Circles of Care.  Welcoming and Membership keeps track of new folks with Paul’s newcomer tracking sheet.  Neighborhood Groups will be starting up soon and that will include everyone in the congregation.  Tanesha has a record of all email accounts that sign in to Zoom during the services.

Ellen:  How are the May and June pledge amounts coming in?  Susan:  May looked fine even apart from those who paid for the entire year.  June amounts are not available yet.

The re-roofing of the Matan Building will begin about August 1 and will take about a week.  We have paid 30% down. 

Jim:  Will we allow some people in the building during Phase 3?  Lisa:  The Board discussed this at their last meeting.  The UUA has recommended congregations not hold services until May 2021.  KUUF will not open the building in foreseeable future except for maybe a few people who will be live-streaming a service from inside; a cleaning protocol is in place. 

The next Conversation with the Board will be July 15 and this will be the final one before the congregational meeting at noon on July 19.

Submitted by,

Selene Patterson

Ex-Officio Secretary


The Board was asked to weigh in on increased group use of KUUF facilities. This was a lengthy and complex discussion. We started by acknowledging that:
● Kitsap County may or may not be entering Phase 3 of reopening.
● The number of new positive cases of Covid 19 have increased more than 4 fold in June,
as compared to May numbers. (per Health District website, 11 new cases in May, and
56 new cases so far in June.
● This is a trend being seen around the state and the country.
● Those amongst our community who are “high risk” remain so, no matter what the
designated reopening phase.
● These increasing case numbers appear to be related to increased gatherings and
decreased use of social distancing and face coverings, as many people appear to
become complacent about the persistent risk.
● Based on the recommendations of the UUA, we are not currently planning on in person
worship gatherings until May 2021.
● There has been very limited use of the sanctuary by our piano accompanist for the
purpose of recording music for our online services.
● There is a desire to start live streaming our services from the sanctuary. This would
involve a very small number, <5 together in the sanctuary, with social distancing, facial coverings, and cleaning protocols being strictly observed, and under supervision of members of the worship committee.
● There was a small Solstice celebration for families with children, planned and supervised by our DRE, Jenell, and with the support of Rev Jessica. There was strict attention to separation of family groups at all times. The building was not opened.
After our discussion, it was agreed that:
● At this point we do not feel confident that it is safe to open KUUF buildings, bathrooms, kitchen, sanctuary, etc.
● We do not feel that we have enough assurance that community transmission is significantly decreased to make a decision about expanded use of KUUF facilities, for group gatherings.

Board Summary 6/25/2020

Below is a summary of our June Board meeting. Official minutes will be forthcoming, but the Board wishes to share with you what is going on with the business of the Fellowship.
Present: Terry Mallory, Lisa Johnson, Jack Peterson, Jackie Westwood, Peter Kreidler, Nathan Emmett, Susan Welsh, Jim Strunk, Tanesha Smith Absent: Mark Sugimoto (excused)
Terry lit the chalice, the group checked in, and Terry and Jack read the Board Covenant.
Treasurer’s Report and Budget: Mark had submitted the Treasurer’s Report. Pledge revenues are above target, as are congregational offering. Committee and administrative expenses are down. We balanced our budget at the end of the fiscal year. Easter Seals tenants are current in their lease. While currently our budget looks good, there are unknowns, especially as Easter Seals is working toward opening at a reduced capacity, and we don’t know if their Medicaid payments will come through. The Finance Committee will continue to monitor for decreases in revenues, and will keep the Board apprised. We also don’t know how our annual Auction, or major fundraiser, will go forward under COVID conditions.
The Board approved the budget.
Settled Ministry Task Force Update: The Task Force to explore KUUF’s readiness to call a settled minister, Reverend Jessica, will meet 6/28/2020 to begin the process. Their task is to make and carry out a plan to reach out to members to discuss the answers to these questions:
• • • •
The Task Force will be reaching out to the congregation to determine preferred modes for discussion (Zoom, phone calls, Emails, possibly small groups if we enter Phase 3...) While many in our fellowship have expressed eagerness for calling Reverend Jessica to Settled Ministry at KUUF, moving a minister from Contract to Settled Ministry requires, according to our Bylaws, 50% of our membership to participate in the vote, and 85% must approve it.
Some may not be comfortable with holding these discussions until we can meet in person. We need to do our best to see that everyone is heard.
Everyone will soon be receiving an email from the Task Force with a survey monkey asking for your preferences Re. means of communication. For example, on line small group, discussion phone conversation , etc. Please respond to this email promptly.
Digital Annual Meeting update: Our annual Congregational Meeting will take place July 19, 2020, after our regular Sunday service. Meeting agenda, the budget, Minister and Presidents’ reports, and reports from all committees will go out electronically during the week of June 29. If you wish to request hard copies of these materials, please
How do we see KUUF in 5-10 years?
Is having a Settled Minister part of that vision?
Is Reverend Jessica a part of that vision?
How comfortable are members with making a major decision like this remotely?

 contact Tanesha at 360-377-4724 or She can also send you a proxy ballot.
The Board will also be hosting 3 Conversations with the Board Zoom meetings on 7/1/292, 7/8/2020, and 7/15/2020 from 7:00 to 8:00 pm, to discuss the budget and agenda items with Fellowship members. The Zoom links will come out just prior to these Wednesday meeting. Please do not hesitate to contact Board members at if you have questions or concerns.
KUUF and KitsapERACE: KUUF has been invited to join KitsapERACE, a coalition of local groups supporting the Movement for Black Lives. A large number of our members have been joining in vigils and protests and bearing our Black Lives Matter: Standing on the Side of Love banner. You will be hearing more on the coalition’s work.


The Fun and Frolic Committee has decided to cancel the Family Camp Out, which was planned for August 2020. This is disappointing, but given the usual camping activities that would have to be avoided, due to the ongoing risks of community spread of COVID 19, and based on input from our Parish Nurse, we need to postpone it. We look forward to a new plan when a gathering of this kind is safer.

KUUF Conversation with the Board

7:00 pm via Zoom

Present:  Lisa Johnson, Terry Mallory,  Jack Peterson,  Jackie Westwood (Board members), Selene Patterson (Secretary), Lene Hajek, Beth Wilson, Paul Wilson, Ellie Klauminzer, Rosemary Dougall, Susan Welsh (Finance Committee), Marty Bishop, Bill Budd,  Mark Sugimoto (Treasurer).

Lene:  Questions the line item of $14,000 projected revenue in the budget for our annual auction.  She is wondering how that will happen this year.   Response:  The Auction will be different and will most likely will be online.   Ellen Newberg is currently recruiting her committee.  She is researching how other organizations have done auctions while social distancing.

Lene:  Why is income from non-pledge donations so high?   Susan, responded that the category represents donations from people who have not pledged.  Donations are continuing to come in.  Last year’s amount received was over-budget.

Ellie:  What is the miscellaneous income amount of $25,000+?  Response:  This represents the PPP loan that will become a grant since KUUF has met all the rules and continued to pay our employees.  Susan:  It amounts to 2 ½ months of payroll.  Paul: thanks to the Board (Terry, Susan, Tanesha) for being proactive in applying for this loan/grant.  

Ellie:  Wonders about the separate books for the Matan Building?  Susan:  Funds are separated for income and expenses for accounting reasons.  Ellie:  Lots of building repair scheduled for the Matan Building.  Insurance?  Earthquake insurance added and separated out for the Matan Building.  This was not apparent in last year’s budget.

Beth:  Why did property taxes go way down?   Susan:  Will check on that and answer next week.

Ellie:  ICON/CMO fees?  Susan:  This is the Congregational financial management system, software designed for churches.  It is comprehensive and we will be using more of the modules in the next year.  Watch for announcements about that.

Beth:  There are funds in CRE for a youth group?  Response:  It is possible that there may be one in this fiscal year and thus the budget amount.

Ellie:  Rev. Jessica’s salary is for how many hours?  Response: She is now full-time and has been since May 1, 2020.

Rosemary:  Have pledges been coming in at normal rate?  Response:  Yes, and even a little ahead.  Mark (Treasurer):  It might appear that way because some people pay their entire pledge at the beginning of the fiscal year (19% of total funds).  We did have a drop in April.  Susan:  she is watching it weekly because we don’t know for sure how the pandemic will affect pledges and donations.  Lisa:  we are grateful to the Finance Committee and Treasurer’s work.

 Beth:  The Worship Committee has not had guest speakers but will start in July during Rev. Jessica’s absence.  Otherwise, throughout the year, Rev. Jessica will speak 3 Sundays  with the remainder contracting with guest speakers.  The budget covers this expense.

Mark:  We have income from our savings that is not part of the budget so there will be a slight buffer, perhaps $2-3K of interest.

Beth:  Why did the Matan Building lease payment go up considerably?  Lisa and Mark:  One is the amount was renegotiated with Easter Seals.  We had been undercharging them based on market rate for that space.  Also, we increased the amount of square footage for which they are charged.  Still the rate negotiated is under market but due to compatible goals and their non-profit status.  They have paid in full for months when they were not in operation and are currently operating at reduced capacity.  

Beth:  The Worship Committee report was missing from the Annual Report.  She will submit one.

Join the KUUF’s Black Lives Matter protest every Friday at 4:30 in front of the  Port Orchard City Hall.  A Stonechild Chiefstick protest will be held in Poulsbo Friday as well.

The next Conversation with the Board will be Wednesday, July 8 at 7:00 pm via Zoom.

Submitted by,

Selene Patterson

Ex-Officio Secretary


Update from the Board re: 2020 GA

Attend Virtual GA:  June 24-28!: We are living in challenging and changing times! Be part of the UUA’s response, and join together with thousands of kindred souls to raise our voices for justice. 

Because the coronavirus has us all staying home, GA will be 100% virtual this year.  You can attend this exciting event of worship, inspiration, action, and business at a greatly reduced cost:  $150.

If you would like to attend any or all of GA, but have trouble affording the registration, KUUF has scholarship money available.  Please contact Tanesha at or 360-377-4724 for help in registering.

Thank You
KUUF Board

Update from the Board

 Dear Beloved Community,


The Board and Reverend Jessica would like to update you on our status, re Phase Two of reopening in Kitsap County. KUUF will continue with online services, and meetings. The building will remain closed until further notice.

This is based on the recommendations of the UUA, and our Parish Nurse.  

Reverend Jessica, the worship team, and our Music staff will continue to provide beautiful and inspiring online services. The worship team is also working on a drive through flower communion for June. More information to come.


We have begun to see some activity on the grounds. This includes the replacement of the roof on the Easter Seals Building; the resumption of our lawn maintenance service, and the work of several very dedicated members to reclaim the space known as Nancy Jo’s garden. The vision is to turn this area back into a community garden. This is a labor of love, as well as very hard work. We thank them.  


We continue to ask that there be a limited number of people working at any one time, and that safe social distancing be observed at all times.


Be safe, be well, 

The Board

Summary of 05/28/2020 KUUF Board Meeting

KUUF Board Meeting Summary

May 28, 2020


Present:  Terry Mallory, Peter Kreidler, Eric Harrold, Jackie Westwood, Nathan Emmett, Jack Peterson, Lisa Johnson, Mark Sugimoto, Nancy Sleight, Ed Woods, Beth Wilson, Paul Wilson, Susan Welsh, Kandace MacKaben, Tanesha Smith, Reverend Jessica Star Rockers


·      The meeting began with the chalice lighting and a reading of the Board Covenant

·      Reverend Jessica presented her Minister’s Report, detailing how she has spent her time during February, March, April, and May.  While her contract is for ¾ time, the COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated she spend many hours beyond that, leading our move to virtual services, providing pastoral care, helping staff adjust to working from home, and connecting with our greater community   She acknowledged that as we go forward, if she is to honor her ¾ contract, she would have to cut back on some of what she is doing now.

·      Mark Sugimoto presented his Treasurer’s Report.  Easter Seals has repaid its rent (deferred for April and May because of their shutdown) and our pledges are coming in, so KUUF’s financial picture is far better than we expected it to be.  

·      The Board voted (unanimously) to amend Reverend Jessica’s contract to full-time ministry, effective May 1. 2020.  We are so grateful for her leadership during this difficult time.  The effectiveness of her leadership is demonstrated by the quality of and attendance at our Sunday services, the outreach of Chalice Circles and Circles of Care, our continued financial support from members, and her personal interactions with members and friends through pastoral care. 

·      The Board is nearing completion of our Call Process Task Force, whose job it is to assess KUUF’s readiness to call a minister (Reverend Jessica Star Rockers) into settled ministry.  Thanks to those who volunteered, and who are willing to serve in this important work.  Please watch for updates.

·      The Board set the date for our postponed annual Congregational Meeting:  Sunday, July 19.  Please save the date.  The meeting will be virtual, and the Board will hold discussions of the items needing a vote (new Board members, our annual budget, and approval of use of Endowment earnings to pay for our new AV system.)  

·      We need a congregational vote to approve the replacement of the roof of the Easter Seals building.  The money is already set aside in the capital budget, but our bylaws require that the congregation votes to approve an expenditure of that amount (approximately $35,000.00.)  You will see a ballot for this coming in the next week.

·      Nancy Jo’s Garden:  a renewal!  Several devoted members have cleared the blackberry and Scotch Broom from what once was Nancy Jo’s Garden and they are getting ready to plant.  There is still much work to be done, and we need volunteers!  We now have potatoes growing, and hope soon to plant vegetable starts (after we have repaired the fence to keep the deer out!)  Many thanks to Sam Stevens, Kandace MacKaben, Ed Woods, Paul Wilson, Donna Munro, Mariah Lane, and Brian Watson for getting this project started.  If you’d like to help, please contact Kandace, or a Board member.

·      Charitable Giving:  As of 5/28/2020 64 members have returned their votes for our Charitable Giving recipients.  Voting ends May 31.  Thank you to all who voted.


Respectfully submitted, 

Lisa Johnson

Board Co-President

Agenda for May 28,2020 Board of Trustee Meeting

KUUF Board of Trustee Agenda
Thursday May 28, 2020 6:30pm

  1.  Chalice lighting, check-in, and Board Covenant

  2.  Minister’s report

  3. Treasurer’s Report

  4.  Settled ministry Task Force:  Selection of members

  5. Annual meeting plan(digital):  when and how

  6. Vote on repair of Easter Seals roof

  7. Expanded use of ICON system

  8. Other

Please, if you are experiencing difficulty during this challenging time, please contact Reverend Jessica at, any member of the Board, or our Caring Committee

Special Message from the Board

KUUF, Karma and COVID-19

A Message from Your KUUF Board of Trustees

THANK YOU to all members and friends of our KUUF community for your continuing participation and support to keep our fellowship vibrant and alive in the face of our current reality – the coronavirus pandemic. We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.

Here are some items the Board wants to share with you:

·      Our beloved minister, Reverend Jessica Star Rockers, is contracted for 3/4 time. She continues, however, to give us far more time, because that is what is needed now. Reverend Jessica truly is a blessing, and we send her our deepest gratitude.


·      Though we are missing person-to-person contact in our sanctuary, Rev. Jessica, our Worship Committee and music leaders, Mike Menefee and Brian Kenny are producing weekly online services via Zoom. 


·      Chalice Circles, Circles of Care, children’s and adult religious education, various committees, chat groups and book clubs all are very actively using Zoom to meet virtually.  


·      This message warrants repeating: KUUF is our spiritual family and our wonderfully diverse congregation means we have diverse needs. Please let Rev. Jessica (, the Caring Team (, or any member of our board know if we can be of assistance to you during this challenge.


·      A request: Our Stay-at-Home Fellowship is seeking volunteers to assist with the digital technology needs of KUUF. If you’re able to help, please contact Worship Chair Beth Wilson at (


·       As often as needed, your Board will send messages to update you on how KUUF is meeting the coronavirus challenges. Look for an update on our finances in your next message.

We are here for each other.                                 


Blessed be, and be safe.


     Your Board of Trustees

              Terry Mallory 

              Lisa Johnson

              Jack Peterson 

              Jackie Westwood 

              Eric Harrold 

              Nathan Emmett 

                    Peter Kreidler

Special Message from the KUUF Board of Trustees


KUUF is our spiritual family, and our wonderfully diverse congregation means we have diverse needs. If you have suffered economic hardship, or other hardship, due to the coronavirus,  please let Rev. Jessica (,  a Board member,  or the Caring Team ( know.


We are here for each other.


Blessed be, and be safe.


    Your Board of Trustees

              Terry Mallory 

              Lisa Johnson

              Jack Peterson 

              Jackie Westwood 

              Eric Harrold 

              Nathan Emmett 

              Peter Kreidler