Parish Nurse Summer Update

Hello friends,

I hope the warm weather finds you all well. It’s been a little while since I’ve checked in with everyone, and I wanted to share a few updates, reminders, and thoughts.

I have now met with 7 members to help them complete advanced directives (documents that outline what choices you would like made at end-of-life, or in the event that you cannot make your own wishes clear). I would love to help more of you with these documents. I keep packets; free of charge, with several types of these documents at the fellowship, and am available to meet at your convenience to help you complete them if that is helpful.

Death with Dignity. As mentioned in a previous edition of the Candle, our Fellowship is initiating conversations around Death with Dignity. This is the initiation of an ongoing discussion, but I want to make myself available in case anyone is unable to attend any of the open forums or has questions they might like to ask privately via email. I’m happy to help.

Due to scheduling conflicts, the CPR class will be offered later in the year, more info to come as the summer progresses.  

A phone number to save. Last month I got a call late at night from a relative who had mistakenly taken the wrong dose of at least one medication. I encouraged her to call Poison Control, who were immediately available and helpful. This reminded me that we often assume that Poison Control is something that the parents of young children need, but in reality is a number that we should all have. Anyone can make a mistake with dosing a medication when tired or ill, or misread a label. So, my safety share for the month is to encourage you to save the Poison Control number in your mobile phone, or write the number by your landline. 1-800-222-1222

Lastly, please remember to hydrate and protect yourself from the sun when enjoying our lovely weather. I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

In care,

Jennifer Ingalls, RN
Parish Nurse