Renters should be part of the economic recovery plans

Alan Newberg, Bremerton

Kitsap Sun

Washingtonians were facing an affordable housing crisis even before the pandemic, with high rates of homelessness visible in nearly part of the state. Rocketing housing prices are now making affordable housing, especially rentals even more scarce. Tenants owe billions in back rent. Landlords cannot meet their financial obligations when no rent is coming in. These problems face all Americans across the nation. Thousands are getting evicted and are at risk of homelessness because they can't pay the rent.  Eviction moratoriums have been overturned in court. Presently, here and nationwide, federal rental assistance only goes to one in four eligible renters due to inadequate funding.

President Biden has proposed building affordable housing in the U.S., but Congress must do more by expanding rental assistance to all eligible renters so millions of families can keep a roof over their head. Housing Choice Vouchers, America's largest rental assistance program, allow low-income renters to find safe housing they otherwise cannot afford. Families with stable housing earn higher wages and have better health and education outcomes.  It is cheaper and more aesthetic than having them plague our parks, sidewalks and backwoods with tents and debris.

Please join me and urge our Senators, Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell, and Representative Derek Kilmer to expand rental assistance to all eligible renters in economic recovery legislation this year.