Agenda: KUUF Board Meeting

Draft Agenda KUUF Board 

June 22, 2021, 6:30 pm via Zoom


1.     Chalice lighting:  Reading of Board Covenant – Rev. Jessica

2.     Check-in: How did you get your name?  Is there a story behind it?

3.     Approval of agenda

4.     Approval of Consent Agenda

5.     Election of Executive Board, reconsidered

a.     Motion to nullify previous motion (May 27, 2021) for President (Johnson, Budd)

b.     Motion to nominate president 

c.     Motion to nominate vice president 

6.     Minister’s Report

7.     Treasurer’s Report


Old Business:

8.     Use of PPP funds and KUUF Board minutes of April, 2020

9.     Board Retreat:  thoughts, comments?  Issues that still need to be addressed?

10.  Personnel Committee – 

a.     Confirm members

b.     Board’s expectations for Personnel Committee, revision of Personnel Charter? 

c.     Committee to meet with Finance re: Administrator’s salary, benefits, and report back to Board for final approval

11.  Congregational survey on re-opening,: early results

12.  Confirm Board Liaison positions: any questions re: responsibilities or assignments?


New Business

13.  Preparing for Multi-platform worship services: 

a.     Need for a Task Force to make recommendations re: cameras, other equipment

b.     Need for tech support and where to find it?

c.     Budget considerations, where does the funding come from?

14.   Kitsap Handmade Market in our parking lot

15.  Rev. Jessica’s Installation: recruit more members of planning committee?

16.  Thank You card recipients

17.  Good of the order