Agenda: KUUF Board Meeting

Draft Agenda KUUF Board Minutes 

1.     Chalice lighting:  Reading of Board Covenant

2.     Check-in: What is one specific KUUF memory you love?

3.     The Changing of the Guard:  Thanks to outgoing members; welcome to incoming

4.     Election of Executive Board

a.     President/Co-Presidents

b.     Vice President

5.     Votes to adopt 

a.     Minutes of April’s meeting

b.     Result of email vote on Tanesha’s payment for time worked and bonus

c.      adopt Consent Agenda

d.     Adopt tonight’s agenda

6.     Committee Liaison roles:  

a.     Responsibilities

b.     assignments

7.     Minister’s Report

8.     Treasurer’s Report


Old Business:

9.     Reverend Jessica’s final evaluation report

10.  GA Delegates:  We need 3; we have 1


New Business

11.  Review Personnel Charter:  Is revision needed?

a.     Board’s expectations for Personnel Committee

b.     Committee makeup

12.  Board Retreat: 

a.     What do we want for our focus?

b.      date, place, focus

c.     Reverend Sarah Schurr?

13.  Other

14.  Thank You card recipients

15.  Good of the order