Learn more about Unitarian Universalism

Welcome to Kitsap Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

Our mission as the Kitsap Unitarian Universalist Fellowship is to build a liberal religious community of love and justice, enriched by diversity, that nurtures spirituality and inspires us to act on our beliefs.

Join Us Sunday at 10:30am In Person or Online

KUUF is located at 4418 Perry Ave NE, Bremerton, WA 98310.

Learn more about us here.

KUUF is going Scent Free! Read more here.

The Stewardship Campaign may be officially over but you can pledge to KUUF at any time!

Hello KUUF Members and Friends!

Get your pledge to Tanesha today!

1. Email admin@kuuf.org and I will update your pledge!

2. mail in your pledge card to KUUF PO Box 2015 Bremerton WA 98310

3. drop your pledge card into the rainbow box in the foyer or put it in the offering basket on Sunday

4. fill out this link: Online Pledge Form

5. Call me at 360-377-4724

If you have any questions please let me know! Please remember all pledges are confidential with the Congregational Administrator Tanesha Smith.

Thank you all for your continued support of our home, KUUF

Rev. Carol McKinley presents Reclaiming Trust

Sunday March 23, 2025

The architect, philosopher and futurist R. Buckminster Fuller wrote, “We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims.” In our changing world that call has become increasingly urgent: how can we rebuild trust in ourselves and in our communities in order to create the future we hope to see?

Rev. Carol McKinley is a frequent and popular speaker at KUUF. She comes to us from the Olympia Unitarian Universalist Congregation where she is an affiliated community minister.

Order of Service

Contribute to KUUF via Pay Pal Account: https://www.paypal.me/KitsapUU

It is that time of year again! Please check the website and your email for updates on closures or rescheduled events due to weather and power outages.


Join Us Sunday at 10:30am In Person or Online

KUUF is located at 4418 Perry Ave NE, Bremerton, WA 98310.

There are 3 parking lots available at KUUF. We ask all able bodied friends to park in the upper lots to save spaces for friends who need to be closer to the buildings.

Keep in touch with all that’s happening at KUUF! Sign up for our weekly newsletter, The Candle.

Every Friday, info about the Sunday sermon, our current events, guest speakers, donation & volunteer opportunities, and special events will be delivered directly to your inbox.

New to KUUF? Fill out the Newcomer form below.