Social Justice
As a fellowship we believe, as Cornell West said, “justice is what love looks like in public.”
We work together as a community to create more love and justice in the world.
Interested in joining us? Contact our Social Justice Committee
Act for Justice
We often act for justice in the community. We work to build awareness and ask for action.
2024 Resolution from the Social Justice Committee: Change Food Habits
Looking to make an easy household switch in the new year that can have a significant impact on your individual contribution to climate change? Then look no further than the food you eat.
According to the United Nations, about a third of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions is linked to food. From synthetic fertilizers, cow farts, and refrigeration to transportation, packaging and landfilled food -- these are just some of the components that generate carbon dioxide and methane gas emissions.
Here's what you can do:
Eat less meat by cutting portion sizes or choosing a day(s) of the week to eat only plant-sourced food.
Throw out less food. Check out these suggestions and give unopened food before it expires to your local food bank.
Keep food discards out of the trash by composting produce and plant matter at home. Use curbside yard/food waste bins to compost food, plants, and yard debris.
Changing the Political Will
As outspoken members of the community, we get our voices heard! Our many letters to local newspapers are evidence of our faith in action.
Recycling at KUUF!
KUUF has a food and yard waste bin! Waste Management picks it up every two weeks and turns it into soil enhancing compost. When food goes to the landfill and rots, it produces methane—a greenhouse gas even more potent than carbon dioxide. Please help us in greening our fellowship!
Mixed Recycling! Do you part to recycle! The blue and gray bin are for clean, mixed recycling.
Please visit for more information.
Each month we donate to a different organization as a fellowship. We also collect non-perishable goods for distribution to those in need.
Our Social Action Causes
Email to propose additions to KUUF’s social action efforts, or choose one of the options below to get involved.