Children’s Religious Exploration

“This year’s overarching frame is The Practices of Our Faith. We’re using this frame to focus on how Unitarian Universalism is a lived faith that inspires us to act, live, and love our values out in the world. Or, to put it another way, we’re diving into our long-loved commitment to “deeds, not creeds.” Our frame of practices is also a way for us to connect to our UUA’s new core value of love, with each of our monthly themes being framed as a practice that helps us embody love in our daily lives.” -Soul Matters

At KUUF you’ll see these themes woven through our worship services, chalice circles, Creativity Matters, Soulful Home, and children’s religious exploration.

CRE for March 2025

Children's Religious Exploration: March 2025

The Religious Exploration program continues to lift up the long-loved Unitarian Universalist commitment to “deeds, not creeds” while connecting to the core value of love. This month children will be exploring The Practice of Trust

March 2: Trusting Others
In this session, children will look at what it means to trust other people. They will talk about those voices in their heads that say “Have the courage to tell the truth” and “We can trust people to be good!” They will also learn what makes others trustworth and how to tell if they are trustworthy.

March 9: Trusting Yourself
In this session, children will be looking at what it means to trust themselves and how they can support those voices in their heads that say, “I can do it” and  “I can face hard things.” They will talk about self-confidence and how each person has unique special strengths (superpowers”) they can rely on.

March 16: Trusting Life
In this session the group explores how they can each support those voices in their heads that say, “LIfe is good!” and develop the courage to take “leaps of faith.” The Hindu holiday of Holi happens in March, so they will look at its celebration of good over evil. St. Patrick’s Day is also in March, so they will use it as a chance to ask, “Is life just random and full of luck, or does it lean in the direction of goodness?”

March 23: Fixing Broken Trust
In this session the group will look at what it takes to fix broken trust. In addition to discussing the skills of making a sincere apology and forgiveness, they will also get into feelings and explore how it feels when people lie or don’t keep things private. 

March 30: Trusting Our Inherent Worth
In this session, the group will look at trusting our inherent worth and how part of that is also about helping others trust their inherent worth. This will lead into how they can support those voices in their heads that say, “I deserve to be treated with respect.” With this as their focus, they have the wonderful opportunity to honor Transgender Day of Visibility with a Faith in Action project.

Soulful Home: March 16

Soulful Home: March 16

Soulful Home is an ongoing parent group meeting the third Sunday of each month following the service. Parents are invited to bring a sack lunch for themselves and for their child(ren). Children will remain up in the Matan Building for childcare while parents meet to build community and explore the Soulful Home resources. Soulful Home is a program through Soul Matters that supports families as they explore the sacred in everyday spaces by providing materials to help parents integrate Unitarian Universalism into everyday home life. 

Creativity Matters

Are you interested in spiritual exploration through creativity? Looking for a group to participate in at the Fellowship? Creativity Matters may be for you. Like a Chalice Circle, participants will gather monthly. Participants receive project-based packets built around the monthly theme. Each packet contains creative exercises for group members to work on prior to the meeting. Packets also contain inspirational material and reflection questions to get your creative juices flowing.  Unlike an artists group that explores technique and provides critiques, this group will gather together, similar to a Chalice Circle, for spiritual discernment. While artists are welcome, no experience or artistic skill is required.  Project options include such things as: collage, storytelling, scrapbooking, sketching, photography, creative writing, watercolor painting, fabric arts, sculpture, movement, music, and more. All projects are designed for everyone. At the monthly gathering group members will share their projects and insights that emerged from the exercise/project they picked.  If you are interested in participating please contact Melinda.

Family Friendly Fellowship Film Night: To Be Announced

This is an all ages movie night. Pack a picnic dinner, blanket and pillows and join members of the Soulful Home parenting group for an indoor picnic, pajama wearing, film viewing event. This is an all ages event and because of this we will be starting early. You are invited to socialize and eat from 5:30 to 6:00. At 6:00 movie will begin 

Note: We are trying to limit clean up following the event, that is where the picnic idea came from. Because of this we will not be setting up tables and the kitchen will be closed.

Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities

Sunday Morning Program

Our children’s program is growing and we need you. If you have been involved in the Fellowship for at least a year and are interested and willing to work with our children, we need you. 

Childcare: We need helpers in childcare for those mornings when one of our childcare providers is out. Childcare is for crawlers-pre K. 

Elementary Aged Children: We have so many children attending regularly that we need a second adult in the room with our teacher. The teacher will prepare all materials and lead the activity. We just need someone to help them. If you are interested please see Melinda. We also have a need for helpers in childcare. All who work with our children are required to have a background check. 

Middle School: We have a very small group of middle schoolers but are hoping that we can soon have enough to have a middle school group that meets regularly. For this to happen, we need not only middle schoolers, but a team of adults that would be willing to work with this amazing group. 

If you are interested in any of these opportunities, please talk to Melinda Hughes, Director of Religious Exploration.

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Family Friendly Service

KUUF services are family friendly! Children are welcome to stay for the entire service. Most 5-12 year olds choose to go to Children's Religious Exploration (CRE) after Time for All Ages.

Time for All Ages

KUUF is a member of the Soul Matters Sharing Circle, a group of over 145 UU congregations who follow the same monthly worship themes. This year's overarching frame is The Gifts of Our Faith, focusing on ten beloved UU values and exploring their potential to shape us and in turn shape the world. This allows us to share in a Time for All Ages, often a story, that connects the theme to the sermon and to the activities the children will be doing. Following Time for All Ages most children go to Children's Religious Exploration.



Child Care Opens at 10:15 am each Sunday and until 15 minutes following the service. 

Child care can also be requested for Fellowship events.

From the lower parking lot, walk up the path, through the gate and into the lower level entry door on the right, CRE is on the left.

Books, games and activities are available for the kids to enjoy. We are baby ready if you have a little one.

Any questions, please ask Dianna, our Child Care Coordinator.

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Children’s Religious Exploration

“This year’s overarching frame is The Practices of Our Faith. We’re using this frame to focus on how Unitarian Universalism is a lived faith that inspires us to act, live, and love our values out in the world. Or, to put it another way, we’re diving into our long-loved commitment to “deeds, not creeds.” Our frame of practices is also a way for us to connect to our UUA’s new core value of love, with each of our monthly themes being framed as a practice that helps us embody love in our daily lives.” -Soul Matters

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In the foyer there is a shelf full of fidgets, items that keep our bodies active while allowing our minds to focus. These are available for anyone who will benefit, there is silly puddy, coloring pages, pop-its....


Fun & Frolic

A fun-filled evening of food & fellowship. We celebrate as a community, with all ages and all abilities, simply having fun together! Wear your play clothes!