We Can Help

If you are coping with illness or another life crisis situation, or if you know someone who is, please contact our Pastoral Care Team . You needn’t be alone; someone from our Pastoral Care Team will reach out to you.

Pastoral Care Team members assist the minister in providing pastoral care to the members and friends of our congregation through a listening ministry of presence. The purpose of the program is to extend the care of the congregation through one-to-one caring and helping activities by lay members of the congregation to those who are in special need.  

Additionally, a separate Caring Team provides concrete support during periods of need, such as coordinating meal deliveries to the home of one recovering from illness, or arranging rides. If you are interested in serving on this on-call team, which does not meet but is coordinated by email, drop a message to admin@kuuf.org and ask to be added to the Caring Team email list.  

If you have a medical questions or concern, you can also contact our Parish Nurse. You can find out more about what our parish nurse provides by clicking here.

Pastoral Care Team 

Mission: In the spirit of our first UU principle, "to affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every person,” we strive to convey a dependable, inclusive and discreet ministry of hope and caring so that no member of our congregation need be alone.

Covenant: We covenant to the congregation and each other to work with our minister in a continuing process to cherish and care for all members and friends of our church community.

As Pastoral Care Team members we covenant with each other:
•To give mutual support, fellowship, and advice to each other;
•To practice mindful self-care;
•To meet on a regular basis for support and continuing education;
•To invest time and effort to assist each other towards our personal & spiritual growth.

In our role as a Pastoral Care Team we will:
•Visit the ill and infirm
•Support those going through major life changes or crises
•Maintain contact with those unable to attend church due to health reasons
•Support friends and family involved in care giving
•Comfort the bereaved
•Handle all personal information we are exposed to with the highest level of confidentiality and care
•Support the development of the next wave of Pastoral Care Team members to ensure a continuity of pastoral care in our congregation

Our Pastoral Care Team Members possess the following qualifications:
•Enthusiasm for pastoral care and mindfulness of the sacred trust we hold
•Strong listening skills
•Ability to preserve confidentiality
•Exhibit a non-anxious presence
•Ability to maintain healthy boundaries

KUUF’s Low Scent Policy Approved in October 2024 by the Board

KUUF is going Scent Free! A scent-free policy, also known as a fragrance-free policy, is a health and safety policy that asks to limit the use of scented products in a workplace or other space. The policy aims to protect the health and safety of people with environmental sensitivities, such as those with allergies or chronic lung diseases.

In order to make KUUF accessible to people with multiple chemical sensitivities and environmental illness, KUUF strives to be a low scent and chemical-free congregation and facility. KUUF asks congregants, staff, and contractual visitors to limit their use of scented products as much as possible and to refrain from using perfumes and colognes.

KUUF’s Green Policy

The “Greening” of KUUF

  • In keeping with our shared “respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part,” the KUUF Seventh Principle Committee has reviewed the information about the Seventh Principle Project (www.uuaspp.org) and the Green Sanctuary Program.

  • New, non-toxic, environmentally-friendly cleaners have been purchased for the Fellowship

  • Please do not bring in additional cleaning products

    Thank you for joining us in this effort!