Kitsap Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
2024-2025 Stewardship Drive
Dear KUUF Members and Friends,
As the month of Love, February is the perfect month for KUUF to have its annual Stewardship Campaign. This year our theme is GIVE AND YOU WILL RECEIVE. We all know that our Fellowship gives us so much to enrich our lives; inspirational worship services that nurture our souls and help us grow in our own spiritual depth, support and friendships through our many discussion groups like Chalice Circles and the monthly Grief Group, opportunities to engage in social justice, and religious education for our children that will guide them throughout their lives. We receive so much from KUUF! There are a myriad of ways that KUUF meets our individual needs.
Today, February 1st, or soon thereafter, you should receive our Stewardship Letter in the mail, inviting you to support KUUF. In it you will find a letter and on the back side a list of many of the accomplishments our community has achieved this year, a pledge form and an envelope you can use to mail in your pledge form. If your letter doesn't come, please contact Tanesha, our Fellowship Administrator, at so she can mail you one.
There are three ways to make your pledge: 1) mail your pledge sheet using the envelope in the mailing, 2) bring your pledge form to KUUF and put it in the box in the foyer, 3) call or email Tanesha and let her know what your pledge is. All pledges are entirely confidential, known only to Tanesha. We encourage you to make your pledge monthly and by automatic withdrawal if that works for you. It makes planning our annual budget a little more certain when we know what to expect each month.
There is no "right" amount to pledge, just be as generous as you can and want. We all have different family budgets, but make sure KUUF is in yours!
We believe that by coming together and supporting KUUF, we can create a ripple effect of positive change that extends far beyond our congregation's walls. Your gifts to KUUF will directly contribute to the realization of a more compassionate, just, and inclusive world. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration and generosity.
In love and fellowship,
Your Stewardship Committee
Matt Haver, Meg Howlett, and Beth Wilson
Pledges can be mailed, emailed, texted or phoned into Tanesha Smith at KUUF. You may also submit it through Paypal! Make a note that it is for Stewardship.
Contribute to KUUF via Pay Pal Account:
Tanesha's contact information / email: / phone: 360-377-4724 ext. 1 / mail: PO Box 2015 Bremerton, WA 98310
Kitsap Unitarian Universalist Fellowship and our good work in the community is solely dependent on donations from members and friends. Thank you for your generosity!
You can mail donations to:
P.O. Box 2015
Bremerton, WA 98310
Designate your donation one of three ways:
General fund, in lieu of our usual Sunday offering basket.
KUUF Ministerial Discretionary Fund, which helps members in need.
Charitable Giving, which goes to our monthly charitable giving recipient. You can view our current recipients here.
You can also donate online via Paypal by clicking the button below.
Have time of skills to contribute to KUUF? Join a committee!
Our many committees make KUUF the caring fellowship that it is. Donations of your time and resources are greatly appreciated. Each committee works toward common goals as a group and each takes a lot of time and energy, so many hands make light work.