Adult Education:

Second Sunday of each month - 11:45am

The Adult (AE) Committee offers courses and presentations designed to increase understanding of our connection with our liberal religious heritage: the Jewish and Christian roots from which we spring, the Eastern religious traditions that have nurtured so many; our Unitarian Universalist heritage; the insights of philosophy and science that have expanded our knowledge; and our mystical sense of oneness with one another, our planet, and the universe.  

What You Can Do To Prepare for a Natural Disaster

Adult Education: Sunday, November 12, 11:45 am to 12:45 pm

Experts share that the Puget Sound region is vulnerable to having a major earthquake. Dave Rasmussen, who does community outreach for the Kitsap County Dept. of Emergency Management, will provide us crucial guidance as to how to prepare for such a potentially catastrophic event. He will be the presenter for our Adult Education class on Sunday, November 12th at 11:45AM in the Sanctuary.

The Separation of Church and State. 

Adult Education: Sunday, October 8, 11:45 am to 12:45 pm

Next Adult Education October 8: The Separation of Church and State. 

At this time and in this country, the separation of church and state is at risk. Our  speaker will be nationally known Annie Laurie Gaylor, Co-founder, Co President of the Freedom From Religion Foundation.  

Adult Education Presents: Online Safety

Adult Education: Sunday, September 10, 11:45 am to 12:45 pm

Today we’re all online in one way or another — email, social media, and video conferencing. We’re also at increased risk of hacking, phishing, and other scams. Adult Education has invited Mike Hamilton, owner of Critical Insight, to speak about how to protect yourself online.

Please join us after the service on September 10 for this important Adult Education.

Adult Education Presents: Verbal de-escalation

Adult Education: Sunday, August 13, 11:45 am to 1:15 pm

Our KUUF Safe Congregations Committee is presenting the Adult Education class for August when Jerry Butler will be facilitating a class on verbal de-escalation. This has to do with learning to listen to and respond with compassion to someone who is upset so as to promote empathy and understanding and help them come back to a place of connection and dialogue. This class is part of our training program for our volunteer Safety Monitors but is also open to anyone in the KUUF community who is interested. The skill of de-escalation can be helpful in relating to anyone in you life who is distressed to the point where communication and connection breaks down.

Please join us this Sunday, August 13, after the service in the KUUF Admin Building.

Adult Education Presents: Engaging with Ancient Text for Modern People

Adult Education Presentation: Sunday, June 11 at 11:45 am

Join KUUF's Adult Education committee for a presentation after the service June 11!

Emily Katcher, who is our speaker Sunday, June 11, is also providing our Adult Education Program after the service at 11:45 am. The title of her presentation is: Engaging with Ancient Text for Modern People. It will expand on themes she will cover in her talk during the service.

Grab your coffee and join us for this interesting presentation.

Adult Education Presents: Contemporary Policing Practices in Bremerton and Kitsap County

Adult Education: Sunday, May 14 at 11:45 am
Join us after the service on Sunday, May 14 for the next KUUF Adult Education event: Contemporary Policing Practices in Bremerton and Kitsap County.

A Bremerton Police Department Officer, a Kitsap County Public Defender lawyer, and the Kitsap County Sheriff will discuss topics such as:

  • How does policing now differ from 5 years ago, 20 years ago?

  • How does training now differ from 5 years ago, 20 years ago?

  • What do each of you see as primary problems in keeping a civil society?

  • Is justice being served?

  • How does dealing with the unhoused and people with mental illness impact on your practice?

Adult RE Presents: “Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet” by Thich Nhat Hanh

April 16, 2023:

Join us on Sunday, April 16, 11:45 in the Admin Room

Adult RE Presents: The Illahee Preserve and KUUF: Neighbors in Nature

March 12, 2023:

Join the Adult Education committee after service on March 12 to learn about the Illahee Preserve! The Preserve, which borders KUUF's property to the north, protects over 500 acres of forest in urban Bremerton for wildlife and recreation. Illahee Preserve's Jim Aho will join us to discuss the history and future plans of the preserve, the wildlife and streams it protects, and more. 

Join us on Sunday, March 12, 11:45 in the Sanctuary

Adult RE Presents: A Ray of Hope: Climate Catastrophes and Molecular Technology.

February 12, 2023:

A Ray of Hope: Climate Catastrophes and Molecular Technology. How CRISPR , gene drive and other techniques for gene modification  can help mediate climate change.

Jill will be giving a lecture, which was a KUUF auction item, in the Admin Bldg…so there will not be a regular AE class that month.  But there is still some space. Check with Jill Clarridge if you want to come to it.

Adult RE Presents: Everyday Spiritual Practice

January 8, 2023:

KUUF Adult Education: Sunday, January 8, 2023
Adult Education’s January 2023 program will focus on the book Everyday Spiritual Practice: Simple Pathways for Enriching Your Life, edited by Scott W. Alexander.

We are letting you know of the program early so you can access the book in a timely way. There are extra copies of this book available for loan in the KUUF library.

You do not have to read this this book to attend the event. We welcome your ideas about spiritual practice. What does it meant to you? What role does it have in your life?

Hope to see you January 8!

Adult RE Presents: Homelessness in Kitsap County

November 13, 2023:

KUUF Adult Education: Sunday, November 13 at 11:45 am
KUUF's next Adult Education opportunity will present a panel on Homelessness in Kitsap County. Salvation Army social service director Eric Harrold, Ed Looby of Work Soruce, and Drayton Jackson, Executive Director of the Foundation for Homeless and Poverty Management, will speak about homelessness in our community.

Please join us in the sanctuary after the service to learn more about this important concern.

Adult RE Presents: Reading as a Spiritual Practice

October 9, 2022

Adult Exploration: Sunday, October 9 at 11:45 am
This Sunday, join Adult Exploration in discussing reading as a spiritual practice. Inspired by both traditional approaches to ritual reading like lectio divina and modern interpretations like the podcast Harry Potter and the Sacred Text, reading novels as sacred texts can provide an avenue to integrating ritual and mindfulness into an everyday activity.

Using excepts from Harry Potter and the Hobbit, we'll explore several methods for reading secular novels as sacred texts and give everyone an option to share their own interpretation of the text. We'll have a Zoom option (link below) but recommend coming in-person if possible!

Adult RE Presents: Critical Race Theory

September 10, 2022

Adult Religious Education: Saturday, September 10, 11:00 am to 12:30 pm
KUUF Adult Education is starting the new school year with Critical Erase Theory: What Restraints Are Being Put on K-12 Teachers?, a presentation and discussion concerning the movement in many states to control what students in public schools are allowed to hear in the classroom regarding things such as “critical race theory,” social inequality, and issues related to gender and sexual orientation. Finger food will be included and this event ends in time for those who want to also attend the KUUF Summer Musical Barbecue at Beth and Paul Wilson’s home!

Our presenters are faculty members in American Ethnic & Gender Studies at Olympic College. Dr. Erin Douglas is a mother of a toddler and is committed to raising her daughter Maya in environments that empower young girls and disrupt patterns of racism. Dr. James Estrella is a former middle school teacher and is dedicated to the “Guncle” role for his nephews, nieces, and niblings who often ask questions about race, gender, and sexuality. Dr. Douglas and Dr. Estrella collaborate on curriculum development at Olympic College with students, faculty, staff, and community.

Adult RE Presents: Labyrinths

July 10, 2022

Adult Education presents Labyrinths: Sunday, July 10 at 11:45 am

Please join us to learn about labyrinths with Rev.  Sandy Bochonok. Brian Watson will have finger labyrinths available to see and for sale. We will have an opportunity to walk a labyrinth locally.
Sandra “Sandy” Bochonok is a retired hospice counselor, ordained MCC clergyperson, nurse, and former military chaplain. She has walked labyrinths since 1999 for personal wellness, meditation, and pleasure. In 2004, she explored 50 outdoor labyrinths throughout the Puget Sound area while on a micro-budget sabbatical. She has facilitated labyrinth events for a variety of churches, spirituality and secular groups, including the Live Strong program (for people living with cancer) at the Haselwood YMCA when requested.

This one hour talk describes labyrinths, contemporary uses, online and offline resources and where to find labyrinths in Kitsap County. Sandra has been a guest speaker at KUUF in past years on a variety of topics. She resides in Kitsap county with her wife of 28 years.

Adult RE Presents: Transgender: Becoming Yourself

June 12, 2022:

We invite members of the community to join us in a conversation regarding aspects of the transgender experience: including gender identity, pronoun usage, history, allies, and lots of helpful resources. We will have three presenters:

Jill Davidson is a school psychologist with the North Kitsap School District. She knew she was transgender at age 11, but was unable to transition until age 55. She has led support groups for adult transgender people, and speaks to school psychologists about making schools places trans youth can thrive.

Zee Cross is a math tutor at Olympic College and he has been out openly as a transgender man for about three years. 

Fletcher Sandbeck (he/him) is a volunteer with Kitsap Pride and other area LGBTQ+ organizations.

Come and contribute to the discussion during the Q&A section after the presentation!

Adult RE Presents: How to be an Antiracist

May 15, 2022:

Adult RE Notice: May 2022 book choice
Adult Religious Education (RE) will have a discussion in next month about the important book, How to Be an Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi. Kitsap Regional Library has multiple copies of this book. This book is also widely available on the internet and in local book stores. If you have any difficulty finding this book, contact Adult RE.

We are giving advanced notice about this meeting so you have time to access the book. We hope that you will join us in this meaningful conversation.

Adult RE Presents: Joe Jack David, MD and End of Life

April 10, 2022: 11:45 am

Join Adult RE in-person after the service next Sunday to hear from Joe Jack Davis, MD, a recently retired physician and general surgeon who practiced at Harrison Medical Center for 33 years. He has been active in caring for people at the end of life. When asked about his motivation for volunteering for Compassionate Care and End of Life Washington, he replied, “During a long career of taking care of acutely and chronically ill patients, I saw way too many people die poorly when dying did not have to happen that way. Gradually it became clear to me that usually bad deaths were attributable to poor planning on the part of the dying patient. Now I realize that poor deaths are due to a combination of factors that includes patients, doctors, and families – none of whom are communicating well with each other.”

Dr. Davis’s background and knowledge can help us plan to have a good death. He will lead us through the resources to be found on, including the End of Life Washington Advance Directive which combines both the Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care and the Health Care Directive (two legal documents to protect your right to refuse medical treatment you do not want or to request treatment you do want, in case you lose the ability to make decisions).

Blank copies of these documents will be available for each person there to fill out for themselves.

Adult RE Presents: Marcia Christen Certified Trainer and Assessor with the Center for Nonviolent Communication.

March 13, 2022: Marcia Christen Certified Trainer and Assessor with the Center for Nonviolent Communication.

Adult Religious Education: Sunday, March 13 at 12:00 pm
Many of us have heightened emotions right now from many intense things happening in our lives and in the world - war, pandemic, climate crisis, polarization. How do we deal with it and align with our spiritual path and values? Come get an upgrade on how to work with feelings we don’t enjoy and get the wisdom they hold. We’ll also work with translating our judgmental brains to get to the core of an issue, get connected to what matters, and make a doable action plan. Maybe you’ll leave with a little hope and a new tool.

KUUF member, Marcia Christen, is a Certified Trainer and Assessor with the Center for Nonviolent Communication. She will provide some basics in an interactive way and opportunities for some practice to apply what we've learned. Join us next Sunday via Zoom after the service for this incredible opportunity. Please note we are starting 15 minutes later than usual to accommodate for anyone returning home from the fellowship.

Adult RE Presents:

January 30, 2022: Dr. Jay Hughes of KMHS, Mental Health

Adult RE Presents: Anti-Asian Violence and Organizing for a Better Future

Adult Education Program - Sunday, November 21, 2021, 11:45 a.m.

Join us for a presentation and discussion on the roots of Anti-Asian violence in America, present day manifestations , and a discussion on what we can do to support communities impacted by Anti-Asian violence.

Our speaker, Joanne Alcantara, is a non-profit consultant.  She has worked on issues of gender-based violence for over 20 years, touching issues of reproductive freedom, third world feminism, domestic violence, sexual violence and human trafficking.  Joanne has served as a researcher, fundraiser,

finance lead, board member and Executive Director in her work in the non-profit arena.

Adult RE Presents: The First Political Order

The next Adult Religious Education presentation will be after the service Sunday, October 31 at 11:45 am.

A video viewing of an address made by the principal author of The First Political Order: How Sex Shapes Governance and National Security Worldwide, Dr. Valerie M. Hudson, to the Mudd Center for Ethics at Washington & Lee University. will be shown. This will be followed by a discussion led by Beth Wilson, KUUF member, of the concepts in that book and video.

“The First Political Order is a magisterial tour de force that transforms our understanding of international relations. Hudson, Bowen, and Nielsen provide a comprehensive and meticulous examination of how the systematic subordination of women around the world affects every critical outcome in world politics, from governance and security to environmental, economic, and social development. In so doing, they demonstrate how personal decisions produce systemic political consequences.” - Rose McDermott, Brown University

Adult RE Presents: How Politics Works

Sunday, September 26, 2021 at 11:45am

Tara Simmons, our newly elected State Representative in the 23rd Legislative District, will be our speaker. Tarra will share both how she became a lawyer and a legislator and explain the importance of issues she is championing. Simmons is the executive director for a nonprofit focused on assisting those that are formerly incarcerated, known as the Civil Survival Project. Currently, Simmons serves on the committees for Civil Rights and Judiciary, Health Care and Wellness, Public Safety, and Rules.

Adult RE Presents: Ending Drone Attacks

Sunday, August 29, 2021 at 11:45am

Our program, "Why the Drone Attacks Are Wrong", will feature Leah Bolger, who retired in 2000 from the U.S. Navy at the rank of Commander after twenty years of active-duty service. Her career took her to Iceland, Bermuda, Japan and Tunisia. She was the Navy Military Fellow at the MIT Security Studies program. Leah received an MA in National Security and Strategic Affairs from the Naval War College.

After retirement, she became very active in Veterans for Peace, including election as the first woman national president in 2012. Later that year, she met with the victims of U.S. drones strikes and subsequently created the “Drones Quilt Project,” a traveling exhibit which serves to educate the public and recognize the victims of U.S. combat drones. Currently she serves as the President of the Board of Directors of World BEYOND War

Adult RE Presents: Imam Jamal Rahman

Sunday, July 25, 2021 at 11:45am

Adult RE class presented by Imam Jamal Rahman

Imam Jamal Rahman, a beloved Seattle Sufi minister and spiritual teacher, will be our Adult Education speaker this month on Sunday, July 25th at 11:45am.

Jamal has become nationally known for his role as one of the “Three Interfaith Amigos” (with Pastor Don Mackenzie and Rabbi Ted Falcon), who do workshops and talks on interfaith healing and understanding. His topic will be “Activism and Spiritual Practices” where, in his words, he will be covering “ the essential need to engage in activism to heal the social justice issues and planetary degradation of our time. However, in order to create fundamental changes, we need to also learn and do spiritual practices. Without personal practices to overcome our prejudices, selfishness, greed and apathy, it is difficult to create structural and abiding changes to serve the common good.”

Adult RE Presents: The Global US Military Empire

Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 11:45am

Adult RE class presented by Col. Leah Bolger

Our speaker via Zoom is Col. Leah Bolger. Leah Bolger retired in 2000 from the U.S. Navy at the rank of Commander after twenty years of active duty service. Currently she serves as the President of the Board of Directors of World BEYOND War.
This webinar will take a closer look at those bases, and the World BEYOND War campaign to close them. WBW believes that the closing of U.S. bases and the removal of U.S. military personnel from foreign countries are critical to the elimination of war.

Advancing Climate Justice to Promote Health Equity

Sunday, April 18, 2021 at 11:45am

Adult RE class presented by Adrienne Hampton

Why do adverse climate changes and environmental disasters disproportionately affect the poor and people of color? Adrienne will address how this came about and what can be done to promote fairness and justice in climate and public health policies.
Adrienne works at the nexus of collaborative governance and climate justice to promote public health equity. Hampton earned her Master of Public Administration degree from the Evans School of Public Policy and Governance at the University of Washington. Her background and career are based on ocean climate action, equity and racial justice in policy.
Currently, she serves as the Climate Policy and Engagement Manager at the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition. She holds a Masters in Public Administration from the University of Washington.

The Birth of a Sculpture

Sunday, April 11, 2021 at 11:45am

KUUF Adult Education Committee is hosting a talk by our own Alan Newberg on a currently showing exhibit of his sculpture at the Northwind Art Center in Port Townsend (showing April 1st to 25th); it will occur at 11:45am, after the service on Sunday, April 11th. Alan, a well known artist in Kitsap and beyond, is one of the founders of the Collective Vissions Art Gallery in downtown Bremerton, a cooperative group of local artists with the mission of expanding awareness of and making available for purchase works by a wide range of Puget Sound artists

Managing NW Forests as if the Climate Matters

Sunday, March 28, 2021 at 12:00pm

Managing NW Forests as if the Climate Matters

Kirk Hanson will be speaking about Northwest forests, climate change, and how good forest stewardship can make a difference.

Kirk Hanson is a small woodland owner with over 200 acres of family-owned forestland near Olympia. He’s worked on behalf of small woodland owners for more than 25 years, bringing a passion for ecological forestry and simplified hands-on management practices that allows forest owners to take a direct role in the stewardship of their own land. Kirk worked for six years with the Washington DNR’s Small Forest Landowner Office before joining Northwest Natural Resource Group (NNRG) as Director of Forestry in 2006. He also teaches ecological forestry as an adjunct instructor at the Evergreen State College.

Next read for Adult Education! A Black Women’s History of the United States

Indiebound | Kitsap Regional Library

A vibrant and empowering history that emphasizes the perspectives and stories of African American women to show how they are—and have always been—instrumental in shaping our country

In centering Black women’s stories, two award-winning historians seek both to empower African American women and to show their allies that Black women’s unique ability to make their own communities while combating centuries of oppression is an essential component in our continued resistance to systemic racism and sexism. Daina Ramey Berry and Kali Nicole Gross offer an examination and celebration of Black womanhood, beginning with the first African women who arrived in what became the United States to African American women of today.

Several copies are available at Kitsap Regional Library and at Pierce County Library.  KUUF members will also have several copies to share.  Join us as we explore this important topic!

Coming Alongside: real talk about white people moving toward anti-racist ways

Sunday February 28, 2021 at 12:00pm

In this adult education session, participants will watch a recording of one-on-one conversation between Karen Akuyea Vargas and Airen Dean Lydick, as they talk openly about lessons learned and skills developed over decades of organizing for racial justice. Witness a deep dive as Akuyea and Airen explore what might be preventing people who are white, of European heritage, and/or of colonialist ancestry from vigorously and fully engaging in a broad intergenerational, multiracial, and cross-class movement for equity and liberation for all, led by Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.

Airen will facilitate session participants in opportunities to debrief the conversation they witness and to reflect on implementing the shared “learned lessons” in their daily lives.

This one-hour session will be online, over Zoom, on Sunday, February 28th, 12-1 p.m. Both full group conversation and breakout groups will be utilized. If you’re interested in what it can mean for people to “come alongside,” to engage meaningful with humility and empowerment in the movement for racial justice, then this session is for you!

Workshop Contributors:

Karen Akuyea Vargas is Founder and Director of Living Life Leadership, the youth mentoring program of New Life Community Development Agency in Kitsap County and has advocated for youth and their families in Kitsap schools and communities for over 30 years. Akuyea is a trained facilitator for the Strengthening African American Families program and co-chair of the Multicultural Advisory Council for the Bainbridge Island School District. She is founder of Living Arts Cultural Heritage and has organized many Kitsap community events such as Celebration of Hidden History, Weaving Histories Celebration, 9/11 Sacrifice Of Service, and Healing Our Land, Healing Our People. Akuyea is a past recipient of the Linda Gabriel Award for Human Rights from Kitsap County Council for Human Rights and the Woman of Achievement Award from YWCA Kitsap, among other honors, and is an ardent human rights and civil rights advocate.

Airen Dean Lydick grew up in rural Nebraska, on ancestral lands of the Omaha (U-Mo'n-Ho'n) and other peoples of the Great Plains. He is a worker, facilitator, and relational organizer who seeks out collaborative efforts to increase healing, liberation, and joy, from local to international levels. Since 1999, he has lived mostly on Coastal Salish lands, including those of the Suquamish (dxwsəqwəb), S'Klallam̕ (nəxwqíyt nəxwsƛáýəḿ), Snohomish (Sdoh-doh-hohbsh), and Duwamish (dxwdəwʔabš). Airen aims to boost intergenerational Black and Indigenous led movements for transformative anti-racist practice, disability justice, queer/trans empowerment, im/migrant rights, and gender equity. Here in Kitsap, his organizing is rooted primarily in the grassroots efforts of Kitsap Showing Up for Racial Justice (Kitsap SURJ), Kitsap Advocating for Immigrant Rights & Equality (KAIRE), Living Arts Cultural Heritage (LACH), and Kitsap Equity, Race, And Community Engagement Coalition (Kitsap ERACE Coalition).

Too Hot to Handle: via Zoom

Sunday January 24, 2021 at 11:50am

Irreverently debunking 10 misconceptions about climate change.
Will the world look vastly different at 2 degrees of warming? Can lightbulbs save the world? Will Greta Thunberg solve everything? Join us for a serious-but-not-too-serious review of some of the many misconceptions about how climate change may shape our future.

Rowan Braybrook, a new member and our speaker, is the Director of Programs for Northwest Natural Resource Group, overseeing research and educational programming for forest stewardship in the Pacific Northwest.

Rowan previously worked at Conservation International in Washington, DC, where she was involved in UN negotiations for biodiversity, sustainable development, and climate change, including the 2015 Paris Agreement. She also served in the Peace Corps in Madagascar, working with communities on agroforestry and environmental education. Rowan holds degrees from Middlebury College and Johns Hopkins University and lives in Bremerton.

An Indigenous People’s History of the United States: via Zoom

Sunday October 25, 2020 at 12:00pm

On October 25th at 11:45am via Zoom, Adult Education will facilitate a discussion of the book “An Indigenous People’s History of the United States” by Roxane Dunbar-Ortiz. This book presents an in depth account of U.S. history through the eyes of indigenous peoples throughout our country, starting with the beginning of the European invasion/occupation over four hundred years ago. This book is this year’s UUA common read and also was the focus for Rev Jessica’s homily and AE class (which she taught) on Sept 30th.

What You Didn't Know was on the November Ballot: via Zoom

Sunday September 27, 2020 at 12:00pm

League of Women Voters speaker Catherine Ahl: As you're probably aware, there will be candidates for President, Congress, state and local judges, state officials, state Legislators and, in Kitsap, two county commissioners on your November ballot. There will also be a Constitutional amendment and a Referendum on the ballot. Catherine Ahl, Education Chair for the League of Women Voters of WA, will help guide us through all this, particularly Referendum 90. R-90 will ask us to Approve or Reject the Comprehensive Sexual Health Education bill passed by the Legislature and signed by the Governor. It has organized opposition.

KUUF Common Read: An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States presentation via Zoom:

Sunday August 30, 2020 at 12:45pm

KUUF Adult Education is pleased to announce that we will be facilitating a discussion of the KUUF Common Read for 2019-20: “An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States" by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz.  This discussion will occur Sunday, August 30th at 12:45pm via Zoom (the Zoom link for the class will be provided via The Candle prior to the class in August).   That same Sunday, Reverend Jessica’s homily will be centered around this book.  The UUA website states: “In 2015, Beacon Press published an extraordinary book by Indigenous scholar and activist Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz that challenged readers to learn US history through a narrative that centers the story, the experiences, and the perspectives of Indigenous peoples….Upending myths and misinformation that have been promulgated by leaders and media, it asks readers to reconsider the origin story of the United States taught to every US school child.”    

ATTENTION,  ATTENTION!  A slight modification on how to get book.  

(EVERYONE SHOULD READ EVEN IF YOU DON’T GO TO DISCUSSION)   Copies of this book can be obtained electronically and in hard copy from many libraries.  Since most libraries are now closed, KUUF has bought 4 copies for lending out.  NEW PART:  These can be obtained by calling or texting Jill Clarridge at 206-794-1406 or email  She will deliver to you house or you can pick up at hers.  

The True Cost of Carbon: An Important presentation via Zoom:

Sunday May 31, 2020 at 12:30pm

With vast problems such as climate change, it is difficult to know what our best personal actions and most intelligent votes should be. Dr. Ted Larson Freeman, a co-leader of the Bainbridge Island Citizens' Climate Lobby (CLL is a non-partisan grassroots advocacy organization focused on national policies that address climate change), will give us background information on climate change bills before Congress. He will compare the underlying economic approaches in each bill, along with the results of comparative studies of the effectiveness of various approaches. Sponsored by the Adult Education Committee 

Topic: KUUF - Solving the Climate Crisis Through EconomicsTime: May 31, 2020 12:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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The Secret Beauty of the Heart: Cultivating the Mindful Habit of Compassion (Beginning with Yourself)

Sunday January 26, 2020 at 12:15 pm

If you are like most people, you’re pretty hard on yourself. Susan Sweetwater will lead mindfulness and other practices to help soften and sooth that unkind voice and to cultivate a heart that is more open and compassionate toward yourself and others.

Susan Sweetwater is an artist and psychotherapist in private practice.

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Black Lives in UU History

Sunday February 23, 2020 at 12:15 pm

Last year Rev. Jessica shared with us the grand scope of Unitarian Universalist history. This February, during African American History Month, she will revisit our history again, this time focusing on the African Americans whose achievements and contributions helped shape our movement.

Reverend Jessica Star Rockers

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Strengthening Emotional Resilience

Sunday, March 29, 2020 at 12:45 pm online with ZOOM

In our current social and political environment, we find ourselves inundated by disturbing news flashes, in addition to trying to cope with our personal concerns and worries. Jerry Butler covers some principals of emotional self care in the face of these external and internal sources of anxiety and worry.

Jerry Butler is a licensed mental health counselor.

Etta Projects

Etta Projects

Sunday July 26, 2020 at 12:15 pm

Katherine Lewis, Executive Director of Etta Projects, talks about their work in rural Eastern Bolivia, where most families live without adequate water, sanitation and heath care. Over 71,150 people has benefited from improved heath and nutrition, water, sanitation, and education.

Etta Projects was created in 2003 to honor the life and legacy of Etta Turner, whose young life ended tragically in November 2002 while she was in Bolivia as a Rotary International Exchange Student.

Marty Bishop

Food: Too Good to Waste

Sunday May 26, 2020 at 12:15 pm

Almost one-third of all food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted. Marty Bishop presents simple steps in your everyday life that can make a difference. Reducing wasted food is good for the economy, for communities, and for the environment.

Marty Bishop composts her food and garbage using a green cone solar waste digester and 3 worm bins.