Beyond Serendipity!

This morning, I Zoomed the Bull Run Unitarian Universalists (BRUU) because it is 15 minutes closer than the Mount Vernon Unitarian Church, and traffic will count soon--it was my first service with BRUU.

There was a couple from Durham NC giving the talk on Spirit, with music, he playing guitar/she, dulcimer. Lovely.

On closing, they showed a video with the hymn "Gather the Spirit." Of all the UUs in the nation, they chose the KUUF arrangement, performance, and video by Mike and Alena. THAT concluded the service!! Memories came flooding back to me: Mathias holding his infant daughter; the alto part of the hymn; as well as the realization of how close technology has shortened distances between us. And KUUF ain't afraid to use it!

I am so proud of you-all. I love and miss members of the Fellowship and hope that Manassas, when in-person meetings resume, continues to reach out. To quote the Ben Hur line: "The world is more than we know." This set of connections--from Bremerton to Durham to Manassas--floored me like nothing in 18 months and feels like a Thanksgiving preview! Soooo grateful.

Sending love, Susan Scott
