KUUF Board of Trustees Agenda
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
5:45 Check in, 6:00 Meeting
“Our mission as the Kitsap Unitarian Universalist Fellowship is to build a liberal religious community of love and justice, enriched by diversity, that nurtures spirituality and inspires us to act on our beliefs.”
Call to order – Beth 6:00
Chalice Lighting – Bill
Reading of Board Covenant (4th Paragraph) – Robin
“As we guide our community in living out the mission of our Fellowship, we covenant together in a willing spirit of faith and trust. May our work together contribute to building the Beloved Community that we seek.”
Approve Agenda
Consent Agenda
Discuss agenda changes requested by Bord Members at May 10th meeting
Accept and Review Committee Reports:
Personnel/Search Committee - Rowan
Treasurer/Finance Committee – Mark and Susan
DRE - Melinda
Safe Congregations - Jerry
Discuss Committee Liaison Assignments (see chart provided)
Motion to change bank/check signers to new President and VP
Discuss Board Retreat
Discuss Healthy Communications Committee’s offer to facilitate “Learning Discuss” for the Board
Identify Thank You Card recipients and writers
Good of the Order
Adjourn with Love