The theme for December is Living Love Through the Practice of Presence
In CRE children will be exploring The Practice of Presence. A goal this month is to help our children leave behind the hustle & bustle of the holiday season as well as escape the all-pervasive consumerist messaging. Instead, we want them to look around and notice the deeper gifts of the season.
December 8: Presence & Gift Giving (Exploring Lessons in Gift Giving)
In this session, we dive into our theme of the practice of presence by exploring lessons in gift-giving. This session highlights how, during the gift-focused holiday season, our society often gives us messages that, when it comes to gifts, “bigger is better.” This focus on the size and expense of the gift overshadows the truly meaningful part of gift-giving: a chance to offer a gift that represents something special about them or shows them what we appreciate about them. All of which invites us to think about the practice of presence as the practice of being present to what you love and appreciate about those you are planning on giving gifts to.