Since the end of Covid, KUUF has seen a welcome influx of new members and newcomers eager to try us out. As newcomers, you’ve shared that you are looking for community and for meaning in your lives deeper than the day to day.
But what kind of community do you find here and how do you parse meaning out of your daily activities?
Starting in October and November, Rev. Victoria, the Welcoming and Membership, Healthy Communications, and Social Justice Committees will present a four-part series of programs called Starting Point (created by UU lay leaders and professionals at Soul Matters), where we explore these questions.
Starting Point sees religion and UUism in particular as a way of journeying through the world rather than a set of beliefs to which one assents. The classic UU slogan, “deeds not creeds” makes us think about how and where we journey, whereas creeds focus on what thoughts we put into our heads. UU congregations offer people companions for life’s journey and the tools to walk one’s life path with more depth and greater connection, rather than the correct answers to religious questions.
Starting Point also offers a way to experience UUism rather than just learning about it.
Sign-up for the classes in September. Although they have been created with newcomers in mind, anyone can sign up for any number of these classes. There will be prep-work – readings or videos – to be completed before each class, which is why we need you to sign up. Depending upon interest, these classes may be offered again in the spring, and may be offered on-line.
Session I: Sunday, October 6, 12:00 to 2:00 pm
"Your Journey," focuses on our individual life journeys and how our beliefs have evolved. This is an expanded version of our existing New to KUUF Conversation, and Welcoming and Membership will facilitate this class. Drop-ins will be welcome.
Session II: Sunday, October 20, 12:00 to 2:00 pm
"The Unitarian Universalist Journey and the Journey of our Church" will be led by Rev. Victoria and will focus on UU theology and history and the history of KUUF. This class, like the others to follow, may appeal to old-timers as much as newcomers.
Session III: Sunday, November 10, 12:00 to 2:00 pm
"Our Journey Together: The Three Paths of Unitarian Universalism, Part I." This session will focus on a UU spiritual practice, "listening to one’s deepest self," and will be facilitated by the Heathy Communications Committee (with thanks to AE for the gift of this time slot).
Session IV: Sunday, November 17, 12:00 to 2:00 pm
"The Three Paths of Unitarian Universalism, Part Two and Finding Your Journey Group." This session will focus on the spiritual practices of "opening to life’s gifts" and "serving needs greater than our own." This session will be facilitated by the Healthy Communications and Social Justice Committees.
For more information, please email
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Earlier Event: November 17
Soulful Home: November 17th
Later Event: November 22
Family Friendly Fellowship Film Night: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs: November 15th