January: President’s Column

Happy New Year to all our KUUF members and friends! I hope that 2018 brought you all of what you needed and some of what you wanted. I am blessed to be leading the KUUF Board of Trustees towards church year 2019 – 2020 (May 1 thru April 30) and look forward to finishing this year with resolve and determination in providing for KUUF’s needs (and wants). I pray that we keep love in our hearts and kindness on our tongues as we greet the new year and all the opportunities it brings to us.

As I reflect back on church year 2018 – 2019, I’m thrilled with what we have accomplished:

  • Brian Kenny hired as our accompanist

  • Jennifer Ingalls became our Parish Nurse

  • Jessica Star Rockers signed as our Part-time Minister

  • Congregation approved KUUF 2018 Five-Year Plan

  • 2018 Safety Campaign was organized and begun

The events I have listed here only begin to scratch the surface of what KUUF members and friends have accomplished this year…and we have four months left to go! I wonder what amazing things we’ll complete before April 30? I hope you’re wondering that as well, and looking for ways to help us achieve those goals.

Last year the Board of Trustees approved money to pay for childcare so members with children could attend committee meetings and KUUF events. If there are barriers to your involvement in programs or events at KUUF, please talk to a board member so we can examine the situation…you may not be the only one experiencing this difficulty. KUUF wants and needs your involvement, so please see someone with a purple name-tag, or anyone you trust, and let us help you, help us.

Speaking of Stewardship, it’s that time of year again. Most of the KUUF programs we love are made possible through member (and friends) pledges and through fund raising efforts like our rummage sale and auction. Everything I’ve been talking about in this column either directly, or indirectly, requires KUUF budget support. Contributions to KUUF through pledges not only support our fellowship but also support churches and fellowships within our Pacific Western Region and the UUA. If you’re a twelfth-man (fan) of Unitarian Universalism like I am, this is a great opportunity for us to support the things we believe in both inside and outside of our communities.

Thank you for all the support you have given me and your fellow congregants throughout the past year. KUUF doesn’t just reside geographically on a map, or on someone’s ledger, it’s in our hearts and souls…and that’s why – we are KUUF.

Eric Harrold
KUUF Board President