Spring: Terry & Lisa's Notes from the Board

Lisa: Welcome to your first “Notes from the President” column of the new church year.  Except that now it’s “Notes from the Co-Presidents”, as Terry Mallory and I will be sharing the role until April of 2020.  How will having two co-presidents be different?  Truthfully, we don’t really know, but in Reverend Jessica’s spirit of Shared Ministry, we both feel that collaboration and drawing on each others’ strengths is a very positive step in leading our board and our beloved community.

This is a rich and exciting time for our Fellowship.  We have a committed minister, who brings youth, wisdom, and inspiration, and we have her for the next two years!  We have a congregation that is solidly behind her.  We have a council of incredibly dedicated committee chairs who have given and continue to give insightful leadership to the diverse work we need to do.  We have a vibrant music program.  We have a growing membership, and we’re seeing more children in our Sunday services.  We are a solid liberal voice in our greater community, with a congregation that stands together on issues of social justice.

I feel so blessed to be here, and I look to the coming year with excitement about what we can give to a world that is hurting.  It is often too easy to despair about the state of our environment, our nation, and our world.  Yet when I look at the many small steps KUUF is taking that truly make a difference in the lives of real people, I am so proud to be part of Kitsap Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.  Thank you all for being part of our journey.

Terry: This is a positive and exciting time for the fellowship.  I look forward to sharing board leadership with Lisa, and to working with Rev Jessica.  

There will be opportunities and challenges, and it is my hope that we can approach both with transparency and love.  

Thank you for trusting us with this responsibility.

Terry Mallory & Lisa Johnson
KUUF Board Co-Presidents
