Chalice lighting and Check-In
Reading of Board Covenant
Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda
Minister’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Old Business
6. Settled Ministry Task Force Presentation: Beth Wilson, Edward Lawes, Dean McColl, and Mack Johnson
· Presentation of report
Method for secure voting: available software
Date for vote
Installation of security cameras: update from Paul Wilson
* Need for tech support person to monitor and adjust
Outdoor heating units/tents: what is safe and secure for small outdoor meetings at KUUF?
Auction Update
Expansion ideas for the Sanctuary: Ed Looby
New Business
11. Easter Seals/ Gateway update: Should we defer their lease payments for a limited period?
Thanksgiving evening Zoom Gathering: what is happening?
Jenell Dematteo: funding for her to pursue certification for RE Director position
Plan Conversations with the Board: Getting Through and Staying Safe: Checking in with our community: Date?
Good of the Order and Thank You notes