A message from our new Minister

August 8, 2023

Dear Members and Friends of KUUF,

As I write this first note to you, I am feeling gratitude and a sense of joy and anticipation. Beginning a ministry alongside you as your quarter-time minister, I wonder where we will be called and invited to go together, and who we will become. I am looking forward to our shared ministry.

As we start to connect and get to know each other, you’ll notice that I sign my emails “with gratitude.” I do this, because I’m committed to growing in faith and to guiding you in growing your faith. What do I mean by that? I think of faith as a kind of trust, which Rev. Jackie Clement defines as “a deeply seated confidence” in life. The skills of trust building are ones that we can develop. And it begins with gratitude and praise for what is and who is here now, in the present moment.

Your Board of Trustees has set clear priorities for my ministry with you, as I am only with you 40 hours/month. The priorities are Worship, Pastoral Care, and Shared Ministry. All other aspects of ministry will continue to be lay-led by board members, committee members, and those of you who say “I can do that,” and allow yourself to be a part of creating community.

I am grateful for you and that each communication creates community together. Please connect with me at minister@kuuf.org or at (360) 851-9603. I will typically respond to your messages on Tuesday–Thursday, plus the Sunday afternoons when I am in the pulpit. I look forward to hearing from you!

May we continue to pursue KUUF’s mission, creating a beautiful, imperfect, and good enough religious community—one of loving kindness where we put our values into action for justice.

Blessings on our shared ministry,

Rev. Victoria
