After Sunday Service 11/29/20
As a brand new member of the Board of Trustees, I’m impressed with the breadth of agenda items that we deal with each month, and with the great good news we’ve received about the health of our KUUF community. At our November meeting, for example, we heard the very positive report of the Settled Ministry Task Force regarding calling Rev. Jessica as our minister, heard about the installation of security cameras and repair of the KUUF septic system, and considered outdoor heating options and expansion ideas for the sanctuary, among others. From the mundane (hiring cleaning crews), to the exciting (live-streaming our services once we return to the building), the items that the Board considers, discusses, and decides have, we hope, far-reaching beneficial outcomes for our KUUF community.
Want to hear more of our good news? Your Board voted unanimously to hold a vote to call Reverend Jessica as our settled minister! After weeks of work contacting members and gathering input, the Settled Ministry Task Force presented their report to the Board. That report showed the massive enthusiasm on the part of our members to move Reverend Jessica from a contract minister status into a settled minister status.
Come join our Conversation With the Board on Sunday, November 29 during coffee time after the service. Members of the Settled Ministry Task Force will join the Board in answering your questions about how and when we will go about calling Rev. Jessica as our Settled Minister! This is a conversation you don’t want to miss!
Ellie Klauminzer
Member, Board of Trustees