KUUF Conversation with the Board

7:00 pm via Zoom

Present:  Terry Mallory, Lisa Johnson, Ellie Klauminzer, Jackie Westwood, Ed Woods, Nancy Sleight, Mark Sugimoto, Susan Welsh, Paul and Beth Wilson, Susan Welsh, Ed Looby, Ellen Newberg, Jim Strunk, Selene Patterson.

Terry:  Regarding the vote for using Endowment Funds to repay savings for the AV equipment: We had planned to use Endowment Funds for this which requires congregational approval, but we had to pay for it when it was installed.  The Annual Meeting packet contains an itemized description of the expenses of $13,093.55.  This amount includes equipment purchased needed for online services, including a soundboard and microphones.  If approved, savings will be repaid this amount from Endowment earnings.

Nancy:  was not in favor of installing the monitors in the Sanctuary.  She doesn’t like the feeling of them.    Beth agrees with Nancy and doesn’t want to use them during the service.   Ellie:  PUUF used them in the church they were renting which had the advantage of being able to eliminate weekly orders of service and share videos as part of the service.  She felt it did not detract at all and worked well.   Beth:  HCC is supposed to take us through the options so we can have discernment around using them in the services.  Speakers wouldn’t necessarily get the choice of whether to use them or not.  Susan:  feels it is important to use it first before we make a decision on whether or not we want to use it, so we know what the experience is like.  Jackie agrees.  The vote now is just about how we are paying for it because the congregation has already voted on the purchase.  Ed Woods:  could people go to Sanctuary and watch the service there on Sundays?  Lisa: only know of two people who are not able to, and possibly in Phase 3.  The Board so far is not opening the building for any purposes.

Beth:  spent a lot of time today working on Zoom webinar so the services will be smoother when Worship Committee is running them without Rev. Jessica.

Susan:  Arlis Stewart reported that Kitsap Safe Schools will not be able to pay the $1,200 administrative fee that goes towards banking and accounting services.  That will need to be changed in the budget and voted upon.   They are not one of the charitable giving recipients that the congregation selected to be voted upon.  Should we consider asking people to re-vote?  Can we take up a special collection for them during the year?  Mark:  doesn’t think it will affect the services we provide.  Also, the budget does not list interest for our savings, of about $2-3,000 per year, and that could be included to cover the KSS  amount.  Terry:  we should consider doing the banking and accounting without payment.  Susan:  agrees we could support them without charging.  Ellen:  we could hold a special fundraiser or time to request donations.

Ellen:  Auction is budgeted for $14,000 in revenue.  The Committee is considering options on how to raise this amount.  Rev. McKinley said they had an online auction that brought in $35,000 (with at least double the membership).  Their catalog is similar to ours, including delivered meals, and Ellen will be talking with their auction coordinator.   Ed Looby has experience with online auction planning with Lions Club; they will hold an online auction over a two week period where bidding happens.  A professional auction website is setting it up and Ed will get that information to Ellen.  We might consider holding several smaller auctions.   Cedars UU has a physical item auction and activities auction they are doing online.

Positions:   Dianne Stephens is to be voted upon to replace Jerry Butler on the Nominating Committee.  Lisa Johnson, Ed Looby, and Ellie Klauminzer are running for the 3 open Board positions.  There was a discussion on whether to take the votes individually or as a slate with a decision being made by the Board.

Ellie:  are we in touch with everyone?  Do we need to send postcards?  Rev. Jessica has been keeping track of people in CCs and Circles of Care.  Welcoming and Membership keeps track of new folks with Paul’s newcomer tracking sheet.  Neighborhood Groups will be starting up soon and that will include everyone in the congregation.  Tanesha has a record of all email accounts that sign in to Zoom during the services.

Ellen:  How are the May and June pledge amounts coming in?  Susan:  May looked fine even apart from those who paid for the entire year.  June amounts are not available yet.

The re-roofing of the Matan Building will begin about August 1 and will take about a week.  We have paid 30% down. 

Jim:  Will we allow some people in the building during Phase 3?  Lisa:  The Board discussed this at their last meeting.  The UUA has recommended congregations not hold services until May 2021.  KUUF will not open the building in foreseeable future except for maybe a few people who will be live-streaming a service from inside; a cleaning protocol is in place. 

The next Conversation with the Board will be July 15 and this will be the final one before the congregational meeting at noon on July 19.

Submitted by,

Selene Patterson

Ex-Officio Secretary
