7:00 pm via Zoom
Present: Lisa Johnson, Terry Mallory, Jack Peterson, Jackie Westwood (Board members), Selene Patterson (Secretary), Lene Hajek, Beth Wilson, Paul Wilson, Ellie Klauminzer, Rosemary Dougall, Susan Welsh (Finance Committee), Marty Bishop, Bill Budd, Mark Sugimoto (Treasurer).
Lene: Questions the line item of $14,000 projected revenue in the budget for our annual auction. She is wondering how that will happen this year. Response: The Auction will be different and will most likely will be online. Ellen Newberg is currently recruiting her committee. She is researching how other organizations have done auctions while social distancing.
Lene: Why is income from non-pledge donations so high? Susan, responded that the category represents donations from people who have not pledged. Donations are continuing to come in. Last year’s amount received was over-budget.
Ellie: What is the miscellaneous income amount of $25,000+? Response: This represents the PPP loan that will become a grant since KUUF has met all the rules and continued to pay our employees. Susan: It amounts to 2 ½ months of payroll. Paul: thanks to the Board (Terry, Susan, Tanesha) for being proactive in applying for this loan/grant.
Ellie: Wonders about the separate books for the Matan Building? Susan: Funds are separated for income and expenses for accounting reasons. Ellie: Lots of building repair scheduled for the Matan Building. Insurance? Earthquake insurance added and separated out for the Matan Building. This was not apparent in last year’s budget.
Beth: Why did property taxes go way down? Susan: Will check on that and answer next week.
Ellie: ICON/CMO fees? Susan: This is the Congregational financial management system, software designed for churches. It is comprehensive and we will be using more of the modules in the next year. Watch for announcements about that.
Beth: There are funds in CRE for a youth group? Response: It is possible that there may be one in this fiscal year and thus the budget amount.
Ellie: Rev. Jessica’s salary is for how many hours? Response: She is now full-time and has been since May 1, 2020.
Rosemary: Have pledges been coming in at normal rate? Response: Yes, and even a little ahead. Mark (Treasurer): It might appear that way because some people pay their entire pledge at the beginning of the fiscal year (19% of total funds). We did have a drop in April. Susan: she is watching it weekly because we don’t know for sure how the pandemic will affect pledges and donations. Lisa: we are grateful to the Finance Committee and Treasurer’s work.
Beth: The Worship Committee has not had guest speakers but will start in July during Rev. Jessica’s absence. Otherwise, throughout the year, Rev. Jessica will speak 3 Sundays with the remainder contracting with guest speakers. The budget covers this expense.
Mark: We have income from our savings that is not part of the budget so there will be a slight buffer, perhaps $2-3K of interest.
Beth: Why did the Matan Building lease payment go up considerably? Lisa and Mark: One is the amount was renegotiated with Easter Seals. We had been undercharging them based on market rate for that space. Also, we increased the amount of square footage for which they are charged. Still the rate negotiated is under market but due to compatible goals and their non-profit status. They have paid in full for months when they were not in operation and are currently operating at reduced capacity.
Beth: The Worship Committee report was missing from the Annual Report. She will submit one.
Join the KUUF’s Black Lives Matter protest every Friday at 4:30 in front of the Port Orchard City Hall. A Stonechild Chiefstick protest will be held in Poulsbo Friday as well.
The next Conversation with the Board will be Wednesday, July 8 at 7:00 pm via Zoom.
Submitted by,
Selene Patterson
Ex-Officio Secretary