Mark those 2021 Calendars!: Congregational Meeting to Call Reverend Jessica Star Rockers into Settled Ministry at KUUF
One of the signs of our strength as a beloved community is that-- despite the economic and personal insecurity of living through this pandemic-- attendance, giving, connection, and membership at KUUF are alive and doing well. For many of us, and I hope for you, KUUF is an anchor of care and stability through these hard times.
A powerful sign of this has been demonstrated by the Settled Ministry Task Force’s report, which shows that as a congregation we ARE ready and willing to call our minister, Reverend Jessica Star Rockers, into Settled Ministry. She has been our contract minister, which means her term with us is limited to what the Board and she contract to honor. Settled Ministry is a greater level of commitment from both minister and congregation.
The report from the Settled Ministry Task Force (SMTF) shows that congregational support for this move is virtually universal! Now as a congregation we need to vote, and widespread participation is vital. Our bylaws require that our vote must have a quorum of 50% of our members, and the vote be 90% or more in favor.
This means we need every member to join us directly after the service on January 31, 2021, to take part in our congregational vote. On that Sunday, our Congregational meeting will directly follow the service. Members won’t have to leave and sign in to a separate meeting as we do for Coffee Hour.
Here are some details to keep in mind:
· The Congregational Meeting will be brief, focusing only on this vote.
· The Meeting will directly follow the regular service. No need for new link.
· Voting will be virtual, although folks not comfortable with that may request a paper ballot in advance from Tanesha at More specific information on the voting process will follow in a blast email next week.
· Only members can vote, and need to have been active members for a minimum of 90 days to be eligible.
· All ballots will count, but only those in attendance at the meeting may be counted toward the quorum. Phone attendees WILL count toward the quorum.
Neighborhood group leaders will be contacting you via postcards and phone with reminders, asking for your commitment to participate.
So please mark your calendars for January 31, 11:45 am. Affix your reminder postcard to your fridge or bathroom mirror…whatever it takes to be part of this important event to celebrate our beloved Reverend Jessica Star Rockers!
Thank you, and looking forward to seeing you on January 31!
Lisa Johnson, for the KUUF Board of Directors
Beth Wilson, for the Settled Ministry Task Force