Where are we now with COVID-19?
While COVID-19 infections surge in Kitsap County, in Washington, and across the US, KUUF’s Moving Forward Task Force continues to meet and monitor what we are doing as a religious community through these holiday months to keep ourselves, our employees, and our community safe.
Reverend Jessica and Parish Nurse Jennifer Ingalls met with the Kitsap County Department of Health and local faith communities via Zoom last week. Yes, several other faith communities are choosing to meet in person, at reduced capacity and with masks and social distancing in place. However, Dr. Gib Morrow, of Kitsap Public Health, stated several times during that meeting that the safest and most helpful choice was NOT to meet in person, and not in groups.
The surge is threatening to overburden our health care system, and our frontline workers are exhausted. Please continue observing safety protocols, including
· Wearing your masks
· Washing hands frequently
· Getting your flu shot
· Avoiding all gatherings beyond your family “bubble”
· Staying home, whenever possible.
We are committed to operating with the least amount of risk for transmitting COVID-19 possible. For that reason, our facilities continue to be closed, and we will celebrate the season virtually, connected to each other through our online services, Chalice Circles, Neighborhood Groups, committee meetings, and holiday festivities. We understand and share the desire to be together in person, but we are committed to following science and our covenant to each other to stay safe so we can celebrate together in the future.
We are committed, out of love, to remain physically apart.
The holidays are difficult time for many, even during “normal” times. If you are experiencing financial difficulties, Reverend Jessica has the Minister’s Discretionary Fund, money donated by our members to help those in need. Please contact Reverend Jessica at minister@kuuf.org.
Also, if you are needing pastoral care, our Pastoral Care team, made up of Reverend Jessica, Karen Leader Scott, Jessica Demick, and Jerry Butler, are ready to listen.
Please know that in this hard time, you are not alone. Our beloved community is here for you and for us all.
Moving Forward Task Force: Reverend Jessica Star Rockers, Jennifer Ingalls, Ed Woods, Beth Wilson, Susan Welsh, Lisa Johnson, Tanesha Smith
KUUF Board: Terry Mallory, Lisa Johnson, Jack Peterson, Ellie Klauminzer, Nathan Emmett, Ed Looby, Peter Kreidler