Agenda KUUF Board
August 24, 2021, 6:30 pm via Zoom
1. Chalice lighting: Reading from Board Covenant
2. Approval of agenda
3. Approval of Consent Agenda
4. Treasurer’s Report (5 minutes)
Discussion/Decision (10 minutes max. each item)
1. New agenda format: starting time, check-ins, better use of committees to advise the Board, etc.
2. Finance Committee recommendation re: increasing the Administrator’s hours – Susan Welch
3. KUUF Auction in November: repeat of last year’s on-line event? Ellen Newberg
4. Reconsideration of in-person services, choir practice: Beth Wilson
a. Any reason to change our decision? Delta variant update.
b. Response to August services
5. Guidelines for groups meeting outdoors at KUUF during this Covid upsurge.
Reports (10 minutes max. each item)
6. Instructions for monitoring Lorex System and monitoring schedule - Tanesha
7. Report on purchase of AV equipment for live-streaming services - Tanesha
8. Update on Rev. Jessica’s installation and her current status - LIsa
9. Discussion with Cedars UU re: hiring of DRE - Lisa
10. Nancy Jo’s Garden – Lisa
Questions to ponder: do we want to produce enough to donate to help lines? And
do we need a more formal Garden Committee?
11. Good of the order
Thank You card recipients