Settled Minister Task Force

KUUF’s Board of Trustees has decided that it is time to consider if our Fellowship is ready to call our Minister, Rev. Jessica Star Rockers, to be our Settled Minister.  Currently, Rev. Jessica is our Contract Minister through a contract between her and the Board of Trustees.  A “Settled Minister” is a minister who is “called” by the entire Congregation to be our Minister.  That relationship is not governed by a contract and does not need to be renegotiated annually or biannually as our current contract does.  It continues until the congregation or the minister determines that a change in that relationship needs to occur.  To use a simple metaphor, having a “contract” Minister is kind of like being engaged.  Calling a Minister is like getting married!   

The Board has established the Settled Minister Task Force to conduct a process of discernment to determine if the congregation is ready to make that decision.  Members of the Task Force are Genevieve Emmett, Mack Johnson, Edward Lawes, Dean McColl, and Beth Wilson.  

The first task of the Task Force is to identify how KUUF members and friends prefer to be engaged and communicated with regarding their views on calling our Minister.  To find out, we will be sending out a Survey Monkey questionnaire asking for your response about your preferred method of communication.  Based on your responses, we’ll create a communications plan that allows for everyone to participate by answering four important questions.  The Survey Monkey will come to your email inbox the week after our Congregational Meeting on July 19th.  Please be sure to complete the survey by our deadline of August 2nd.  For those of you who do not have or read email, paper copies of that questionnaire will be sent to you by mail.  

If you have questions about this process, please communicate with the Chair of the Settled Minister Task Force, Beth Wilson by emailing her at or calling her at (253) 857-5234 or by contacting the Board Co-Chairs, Lisa Johnson , and Terry Mallory