Update from your KUUF Board of Trustees

Dear Members and Friends of KUUF,

It is with deep, deep sadness that the Board of Trustees and Committee on Shared Ministry forward this message from Rev. Jessica. We are devastated that KUUF must lose Rev. Jessica’s warm and powerful voice and reassuring presence. We agree, however, with her assessment of our congregation: we are a strong and resilient and caring congregation, and we will meet this moment well. Our future will be molded from a strong and resilient past, and we will find a way to remain a vibrant and caring community.

Our fondest blessings and love go out to Rev. Jessica and her family, and we pray for your good health and well-being.


Ellie Klauminzer

KUUF Board of Trustees

Dear KUUF Board of Trustees, Committee on Shared Ministry, and the KUUF Congregation,

You are aware of the significant personal challenges I have faced over these past six months. In the last three months I have done my best to simultaneously regain my own health, care for my struggling family, and continue to serve as your minister. I believed I could make it work and be all things to all people. But I have come to realize that this is impossible. Most recently, my mother’s health has taken a sharp decline. Through the month of December and over the holidays, it has become apparent that something significant is going on. After many long conversations with William, Liam and my mom, we all feel it is time to make a very difficult decision. In order to be my mother’s caregiver and help her through this phase of life, I will be resigning as the minister of Kitsap UU Fellowship, effective January 29, 2022.

I can imagine this may come as a shock. Over the last three years we have done wonderful work together and I wanted this to continue for many years to come. Two years ago when the pandemic hit, I transitioned to full time, knowing it was a stretch for my family, but believing that it was worth the sacrifice. I still believe it was worth the sacrifice. And I am so proud of how we have come through this time together. But it is time for me to move on and focus my energy on taking care of myself and my loved ones.

I am so grateful to you for all of your support and love over these last three years. And particularly over these last six months, which has been the most challenging season of my life. Your care for me and your love for one another has made me so proud to serve you. I regret deeply that I can’t stay, because we have made so many plans for our ministry together. But I know that my family needs me now and that this is the right choice to make. I will forever be grateful for your care of all of us. And I know that you have everything you need to successfully weather this time of transition.

The future of KUUF is strong because of the commitment you have all made to this community and to one another. The next minister who serves you will find a caring, supportive, wise group of leaders and a fun, imaginative, creative staff team. You are poised to meet this moment well, having already mastered the technological demands, as well as the flexibility this time requires. The next minister who serves you will have the energy to lead you through the upcoming phase of this pandemic. And I know you will meet this moment as you have all the others, with courage and compassion and creativity.

I have spoken with our UUA regional contact, Sarah Schurr, and she will be assisting us as we make this transition in our relationship. The next four weeks I will lead two worship services, one final Vespers, and attend some committee meetings, as I wrap up loose ends and say my goodbyes. Thank you again for serving alongside me these past three years, for welcoming me into your hearts and your homes, for trusting me through the uncertain times of this pandemic, and for caring for me as I met with great tragedy and loss. Simply put, I think you are wonderful. And I will carry you in my heart forever.

Rev. Jessica Star Rockers