Side with Love

Dear Ones,

I’m back in the office with some fresh perspective and renewal from my study leave and a short trip to the desert.

In the wide, open space of sand and brush, I sat down on the ground in a place of deep silence. No birds, even. Just an occasional car going by. And then, silence.

I felt the silence settle into me and open a place in my heart that often stays defended against the noise. Against words, actions, and distractions that diminish and de-humanize. This still place is my sanctuary. An inner place of peace. Of home.

I invite you to notice, this week, where and how you feel at home and at peace in yourself. To go there for as many moments as you need, throughout the day. To help you with this, the UU Side with Love campaign is organizing 30 Days of Love. Please take a look.

As I witness executive orders coming from the White House that de-humanize the experience of non-binary friends, that promise to pursue undocumented members and neighbors, that remove protections from sanctuary churches against raids by ICE, I feel called to share not words, but organized action for encouragement.

The best antidote I know to despair is to have a meaningful way to get motivated, to stay active, to keep putting your UU values into action. The timing couldn’t be better to practice 30 Days of Love. So that you can keep becoming the person you aspire to be. So you can be part of creating the Beloved Community you aspire to belong to. No matter what.

May you find silence. May you be in community,

Rev. Victoria