Honoring Earth Day in the time of COVID-19

Marty Bishop, Port Orchard Published 7:00 a.m. PT April 22, 2020

How should we be caring for life on our planet this Earth Day?

Scientists and activists have been warning us for years that we need to reduce global greenhouse gases. In October 2018 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change wrote a report detailing what the world would need to do to limit temperature rise to 1.5 degrees C (2.7 degrees F). They concluded that to avoid that level of global warming it would require “deep emission reductions” and “rapid, far reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society.” They also stated that human caused emissions would need to be reduced “45 percent from 2010 levels by 2030, reaching ‘net zero’ around 2050.” This report was taken seriously by some.

Among those was Greta Thunberg who started striking in front of the Swedish parliament. Her strike went viral and launched a movement of young people that has spread around the world -- Fridays For Future. FFF joined with the Sunrise Movement, Extinction Rebellion, 350.org and others in global climate strikes in September 2019.  Estimates vary from 6 million to 7 million people participated worldwide.

Protesting is a key way to build movements to bring about change. The political scientist, Erica Chenoweth has found that it takes approximately “3.5 percent of the population actively participating in the protests to ensure serious political change.” (From: The ‘3% rule’: How a small minority can change the world) Environmental organizations noted this idea and started working together to make Earth Day 2020 an historical day of activism. The Earth Day Network formed. Climate leaders, churches, schools, mayors and heads of states in 180 nations joined to plan for rallies across the globe to demand that we quit ignoring the climate crisis.

Then came COVID-19 -- a crisis we cannot ignore. And all plans went “online” or “virtual.”

It has left many of us who were planning marches and protests feeling lost. How can we communicate the urgency facing our planet? How can we make our voices heard?

This health crisis is horrible and everything pales in comparison to it now. I mourn with those whose lives have been affected by the loss of loved ones. I know it is a terrible time to be on the edge financially. I dread reports from third world countries of the pandemic’s spread to their poor. However, in the long term, after climate tipping points have been crossed, the covid 19 pandemic will seem minor.

We can do something.  We can flatten that ever rising line of CO2 emissions.  We have the technology to reduce greenhouse gases and build a liveable future. According to the IPCC we have until 2030 to drastically cut our emissions by 45% to prevent a global temperature rise of 2.7 degrees F. 

Now, on this Earth Day, without any marches or songs, we must commit. What will you do?

Marty Bishop is a member of 350 West Sound Climate Action. She lives in Port Orchard.