Thank you for your coverage of the homeless counts in Kitsap County. It's so important to have good data to make informed decisions, especially in these uncertain times. The Senate is poised to pass a bill to help combat the COVID 19 outbreak.
Unfortunately, the House did not include housing supports for our most vulnerable population. It is critical that supports like the following be included, as housing is healthcare in an epidemic:
$1 billion in additional McKinney-Vento funds and significant additional resources for the Disaster Housing Assistance Program to quickly get people into affordable homes.
A moratorium on foreclosures and evictions to help renters and homeowners remain stably housed during and after a coronavirus outbreak.
$3 billion for the creation of an emergency assistance fund (along the lines of the bipartisan Eviction Crisis Act) to help prevent evictions by providing short-term financial assistance and housing stabilization services
Reach out to Sens. Murray and Cantwell and let them know this is what we need.
Diana Tyree-Eddy, Bremerton