Good cooks of KUUF, we will enjoy a potluck is this coming Sunday, February 23, when Chalice Circles #2 and #10 will be our hosts. Thank you, CC #2 and #10, for stepping up to host our monthly community meal, when we break bread together in fellowship.
An important request of all our great cooks: for the sake of everyone’s health, please provide a note about the contents of your dish. Is your dish gluten free, does it have animal products - meat and dairy, eggs, honey; does it have wheat or nuts?
Many thanks to the Welcoming and Membership Committee for hosting our January potluck. We are still looking for hosts for the March, May and June potlucks. Chalice Circles and committee, please email if you would like to host. Thank you!
Back to All Events
Earlier Event: February 23
February 23: Stories and Religion: The Practice of Not Leaving Religion Out
Later Event: February 28
Family Friendly Movie Night: Friday, February 28 at 5:30 pm