Agenda KUUF Board Meeting

Agenda KUUF Board

October 26, 2021, 6:00 pm via Zoom

Check-in at 5:45 pm

1.      Chalice lighting 

2.      Reading from Board Covenant

3.      Approval of agenda

4.      Approval of Consent Agenda

5.      Treasurer’s Report (5 minutes)


1.   Accept with regret Edward Lawes’ resignation, express appreciation for his service

·         Recruiting new Board member, Board Liaison duties

2.   Re-opening issues

·         Latest Kitsap County COVID data and report from Jennifer Heisleman

·         W & M Committee Tentative Plan for Re-opening

o   Vaccination expectation

·         Consider purchase of temporary canopy for courtyard

3.   Final approval of Addendum to Ministerial Agreement

4.  Approval of AV Committee Charter

5.  Approval of KUUF Bylaws amendment draft from Bill Budd, re: Article VI Finances

6.  Volunteer to be Board Liaison to Stewardship Committee

7.  Continuing discussion of financial issues facing KUUF

·         Report on DRE talks with Cedars – Lisa

·         (Future reports: Building and Grounds; Matan building management: what are the purposes for ownership and guidelines for improvement?)

8.  Report on progress in installing AV equipment for live-streaming services - Tanesha 

9. For the Good of the Order


Thank You card recipients

