Summary of 05/28/2020 KUUF Board Meeting

KUUF Board Meeting Summary

May 28, 2020


Present:  Terry Mallory, Peter Kreidler, Eric Harrold, Jackie Westwood, Nathan Emmett, Jack Peterson, Lisa Johnson, Mark Sugimoto, Nancy Sleight, Ed Woods, Beth Wilson, Paul Wilson, Susan Welsh, Kandace MacKaben, Tanesha Smith, Reverend Jessica Star Rockers


·      The meeting began with the chalice lighting and a reading of the Board Covenant

·      Reverend Jessica presented her Minister’s Report, detailing how she has spent her time during February, March, April, and May.  While her contract is for ¾ time, the COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated she spend many hours beyond that, leading our move to virtual services, providing pastoral care, helping staff adjust to working from home, and connecting with our greater community   She acknowledged that as we go forward, if she is to honor her ¾ contract, she would have to cut back on some of what she is doing now.

·      Mark Sugimoto presented his Treasurer’s Report.  Easter Seals has repaid its rent (deferred for April and May because of their shutdown) and our pledges are coming in, so KUUF’s financial picture is far better than we expected it to be.  

·      The Board voted (unanimously) to amend Reverend Jessica’s contract to full-time ministry, effective May 1. 2020.  We are so grateful for her leadership during this difficult time.  The effectiveness of her leadership is demonstrated by the quality of and attendance at our Sunday services, the outreach of Chalice Circles and Circles of Care, our continued financial support from members, and her personal interactions with members and friends through pastoral care. 

·      The Board is nearing completion of our Call Process Task Force, whose job it is to assess KUUF’s readiness to call a minister (Reverend Jessica Star Rockers) into settled ministry.  Thanks to those who volunteered, and who are willing to serve in this important work.  Please watch for updates.

·      The Board set the date for our postponed annual Congregational Meeting:  Sunday, July 19.  Please save the date.  The meeting will be virtual, and the Board will hold discussions of the items needing a vote (new Board members, our annual budget, and approval of use of Endowment earnings to pay for our new AV system.)  

·      We need a congregational vote to approve the replacement of the roof of the Easter Seals building.  The money is already set aside in the capital budget, but our bylaws require that the congregation votes to approve an expenditure of that amount (approximately $35,000.00.)  You will see a ballot for this coming in the next week.

·      Nancy Jo’s Garden:  a renewal!  Several devoted members have cleared the blackberry and Scotch Broom from what once was Nancy Jo’s Garden and they are getting ready to plant.  There is still much work to be done, and we need volunteers!  We now have potatoes growing, and hope soon to plant vegetable starts (after we have repaired the fence to keep the deer out!)  Many thanks to Sam Stevens, Kandace MacKaben, Ed Woods, Paul Wilson, Donna Munro, Mariah Lane, and Brian Watson for getting this project started.  If you’d like to help, please contact Kandace, or a Board member.

·      Charitable Giving:  As of 5/28/2020 64 members have returned their votes for our Charitable Giving recipients.  Voting ends May 31.  Thank you to all who voted.


Respectfully submitted, 

Lisa Johnson

Board Co-President