Dear Beloved Community,
The Board and Reverend Jessica would like to update you on our status, re Phase Two of reopening in Kitsap County. KUUF will continue with online services, and meetings. The building will remain closed until further notice.
This is based on the recommendations of the UUA, and our Parish Nurse.
Reverend Jessica, the worship team, and our Music staff will continue to provide beautiful and inspiring online services. The worship team is also working on a drive through flower communion for June. More information to come.
We have begun to see some activity on the grounds. This includes the replacement of the roof on the Easter Seals Building; the resumption of our lawn maintenance service, and the work of several very dedicated members to reclaim the space known as Nancy Jo’s garden. The vision is to turn this area back into a community garden. This is a labor of love, as well as very hard work. We thank them.
We continue to ask that there be a limited number of people working at any one time, and that safe social distancing be observed at all times.
Be safe, be well,
The Board